[hetachallenge] 7/Old

Nov 07, 2012 10:52

Title: Lasting
Author: kahlanaisling
Claim: Romania/Norway
Character(s): Romania, Norway, England
Table/Prompt: 7/Old
Word Count: 213
Rating: G
Summary: Lasting is a thing that does not happen.

Centuries in the future, they have not spoken personally with each other in years. Unsurprising, really, things never last quite as long as we expect or like them to. Romania has a new relationship, Norway does not. (There was a brief affair with Belarus a while back but since then, he hasn't cared enough to bother.)

Magic is a little faded now that technology can reproduce so much of it. England and Romania and Norway still have their tricks, but by and large the days of the old religion are gone and have been for a long time. So, they're not sure why England has called this meeting.

It almost feels like old times as they listen to the Brit drone on and exchange knowing glances over the table. They still know each other well enough to carry on a completely independent conversation without making a single noise.

Is it awkward?

Maybe a little bit, at first.

Somehow their mental conversation turns to Romania's personal life. Makes sense, in hindsight, they'd spent the last while talking about Norway and Norway doesn't like being talked about.

Do you love her? Norway asks.

Romania immediately replies Yes, I do.


Why do you ask?

Norway was just wondering. That's all.

For old times' sake.

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group: magic, 2012, pairing: romania/norway, character: romania, character: england, nationverse, hetalia, character: norway

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