I was looking at the D.A.R.E.-inscribed ruler on the desk just now...DARE to resist drugs and violence, kids...and had the urge to violently beat someone with it.
Is anyone else just completely numb to this finals thing? Because my teeny little brain can only take so much, and I'm not stressing like I probably should be. And whoa--it's 4/20.
What? TomKat had a baby? Today? What? You mean, when I was googling it? Whaaat? Kidnapped? Baby? A real baby? Out of her Scientologist vagina, or someone elses? I'm totally shocked. I don't get it. What just happened?
GAD my life is so boring. At least, it would seem to the outside world. Really, I'm having a lot of fun, but it's all in my head, so it doesn't really matter
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Very slowly, but surely, we're all learning that we'll die someday. It's not unusual. :D This thought comforts me, actually. In any case, enough of this misery. WOO, let's get naked.