Blisters are no fun, neither is being QC'd.

Oct 24, 2008 21:27

I guess it was two days ago that I realized my laptop gave me this gigantic heat blister on my left leg from the heat it generated when I held it, not so originally, on my lap. I was trying so hard to not let it get popped, always watching the dogs, and just holding a cold, damp wash cloth on it at nights (not that this would help it heal, but it ( Read more... )

qc, ouchie, chacha, health, quality control

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Comments 2

emerybored October 25 2008, 03:51:57 UTC
I haven't been QC'd yet, but I've only worked a few hours so far. I thought that the Black/grey list said that was ok, but wikianswers was not? I've found also that some of the links ChaCha provides are useless, whereas others are incredibly helpful. The history of questions is VERY helpful, since I've used the link from a previous answer many times in answering follow-up questions. I've also found that I google a lot. I think it will just take more practice.

And, OMG, in an HOUR I got three penis length questions, and several on how to find the g-spot. My mom thinks I'm handing out porn. I said that it wasn't technically if I keep it strictly clinical and site a source like WebMD. Still it's odd.


kagomeshuko October 25 2008, 17:00:24 UTC
Yes, we get TONS of the sex questions. At least, I know I do! Somebody said her most often asked question was the longest word. I've had that all of once. The most often asked question is the longest/biggest penis ( ... )


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