Title: Past Sorrows, Present Joy
Fandom: Star Trek (new movie) and TOS
Pairing: none, but Kirk and Spock are always slashy
Author: Kagedtiger
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to its owners, who are not me.
Warnings/Spoilers: TONS of spoilers for the new movie. Also, spoilers for: movies 1, 2, 3, 4, and little bit 6, and TOS episodes Amok Time and
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Comments 46
This was amazing! At least Kirk knows the whole story now. I really hope Quinto's Spock doesn't choose the Kohlinar path in the sequel - that would be really upsetting. More please!!
I'm crying. This just about broke my heart and then stuck a band-aid on it at the end.
The weight of all that history, so many little things I'd forgotten... I just want to bury myself back into the original, now.
Thank you for sharing this story.
That was so beautiful, and so sad. But the end left me with a feeling that the new Kirk and his Spock will be alright. ♥
Also, I need to rewatch TOS so bad. <3
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