[Fic] The Butterfly Kimono [NC-17]

Mar 25, 2008 00:32

And while we're working on various other not-as-smutty writings, here's a distraction!

The Butterfly Kimono

Authors: kagayachou and the-dw
Characters/Pairings: Klavier/Kristoph
Rating: NC-17
Words: 5154
Summary: Happy 21st Birthday, Klavier. Kristoph didn't really get you anything, but...
Warnings: Incest, crossdressing ( pic from this site), perils of too much alcohol XD

Kristoph stumbled out of the car as the chauffeur drove him to the front door of his mansion. He tried to give the man a smile, but the world was spinning and the kimono that he was wearing tangled around his legs, shifting his priority suddenly from being professional to keeping his balance in the matter of seconds.

Stupid old men and their stupid fetishes...

The driver caught him. Kristoph noted dizzily the slight flush across the man's cheek before he walked unsteadily towards his front door. He leaned heavily against it when he found it, hands scrabbling to open the door. That... took a goodly amount of effort, for some reason.

Staggering into the house like a one-legged drunk, Kristoph collapsed into the couch.

Today was Klavier's twenty-first birthday, he thought, his mental voice sounding half-hysterical to even himself. What did Klavier's dear older brother spend it doing? Oh, fucking old men while dressed like a woman, like any decent brother would, of course!

Kristoph dropped a hand to cover his eyes, feeling mirthless laughter bubble in his throat.

It took some time for him to regain control of himself, and by then the blood in his alcohol stream had gotten somewhat thicker. What a pity.

Standing up shakily, he walked over to his liquor cabinet and grabbed the first bottle he found and a glass. He sat back down heavily onto the couch, pouring the.... brandy into the glass, spilling quite a bit in the process, and drowning it in one gulp.


Outside, a car screeched to a halt.

Klavier laughed out loud when he fell against the front door, pulling Daryan down with him.

"Oi, watch the hair!" His friend exclaimed, but he only laughed harder at the sight. Daryan's hair, smacked against the door was just... just...

"Oh god, it exploded," he giggled as he tried to smooth that phallic looking thing back into the shape it was just a few seconds before.

Kristoph put down the glass when he heard the voices outside. Klavier was home.

... And apparently he brought that idiot friend of his as well.

Sighing under his breath, he stood from the couch, putting down the glass. It took him a few moments to figure out the height of the table, because it kept changing. The floor was spinning too, making it even more difficult for him to walk in a straight line.

He walked towards the front door and leaned against it, listening to Klavier scrabble for the keys for a moment before he stood back up straight. Opening the door, he grabbed the first dark purple, blonde, non-black, non-phallic shape that he saw and pulled him in. He smiled at Daryan... or what he presumed was the moron with the black and white hair.

"Thank you for bringing him home. Have a safe trip. Bye." he said politely before slamming the door on the idiot friend's face.

The world was spinning. Klavier looked up, or what he thought was up, and got a face-full of blond hair and black... butterflies on crimson silk? Mm... It felt good. But what happened to big black long thing with the white stuff at the tip? He shook his head, blinked. Wait, it was... it was Kristoph's voice he heard. Wasn't it?

"Kris?" He followed the ends of blond hair and finally found up. "Hey, Kris!" He hugged his brother ecstatically. "I'm home!"

Kristoph found himself suddenly with a whole armful of Klavier. "Whoa, be careful..." he whispered, tightening his arms around his little brother instinctively. He couldn't let Klavier fall, could he?

"Welcome home," he slurred slightly. "Had fun?"

"Oooh yeah," Klavier moaned, "We were really heating it up heat, bro! Mm!" He threw his head back, practically re-living the cheering. He could almost hear them. "You should have seen us!" He leaned back against the door and tried to get a better look at his brother, but found himself staring at his smiling lips instead.  "I wish you were there," he whined. "I wish... Mm..."

Kristoph gasped as he felt Klavier's mouth cover his. Before his mind could catch up with his body, he felt himself pulling Klavier closer, opening his mouth and sucking that inquisitive tongue inside. His arms moved around until he was embracing Klavier more than just holding him up.

Then his mind caught up with what he was doing.

He pulled back and pushed Klavier away simultaneously, staring in drunken horror at the younger blond. "What are you-?"

Klavier touched his fingers to his lips. "Oh," he laughed lightly, "that was nice... You’re always so stiff, Kris. I always wondered what you'd be like..." Inhibitions, apparently, lost routing connections from his mouth to his brain. "Are you wearing a... a dress?"

"You're drunk-" Kristoph began, but was interrupted when Klavier kissed him again. His mind was fogging, deeply hidden lusts breaking the locks and fighting to the surface. The alcohol didn't help. At all.

He tried to back away, tried to tell himself to stop kissing Klavier back, stop running his hands up and down Klavier's side. This is wrong, he tried to tell himself. You're taking advantage of him, he tried to think. But his body didn't seem to listen to his brain any more.

"God, Klavier..." he choked out when they finally parted to pant for breath.

"Kristoph..." Klavier pressed himself against him, hands at Kristoph's waist, grinding their hips together. "It was... so hot... music pounding through me... straight through my body...like," he moaned, "show you..." He nibbled at Kristoph's bottom lip, pulling his brother up against him.

And just like that, Kristoph could feel his resistance melting away.

Unconsciously and almost unwillingly, he moaned into Klavier's mouth as their hardening cocks brushed against each other through cloth. He fairly clung to Klavier as he was pulled closely, burying a hand into Klavier's shoulder-length hair as he kissed him hungrily.

"Rug," he managed to say. "Not here. Not here."

"Shag rug?" Klavier laughed, and somehow remembered where it was, that thing he bought as a gag gift for his brother some time ago; that thing he actually put in front of the fireplace, which was their destination now!

He all but dragged Kristoph there.

Where was the belt buckle?!

Kristoph sank slowly to the ground as Klavier pulled him forward by the obi of the kimono. Klavier sank down with him. The thing refused to give, however, and neither of them had any patience to try to undo the knot. Kristoph tugged Klavier's hands away from it, kissing him again on the lips.

Making a sound in between a moan and a gasp, he threw his head back when he felt Klavier's lips move down to the sensitive skin of his neck, leaving light, butterfly kisses. Suddenly he was very glad that the stupid costume had a wide neck.

He breathed out his brother's name, unbuttoning the black shirt he wore with shaky fingers. When the shirt is finally opened, he slid his hands inside, caressing Klavier's chest.

"Ahh," Klavier sighed against his neck. "Touch me. Touch me, baby." He jerked his shirt off, trailing kisses along Kristoph's collarbone. Those cool fingers on his feverish flesh, "feels so good," he murmured, his voice husky with lust and just tinted with sexual frustration at the belt that wouldn't give way and his own shirt sleeves!

Blast, he heard something rip. One of the shirt sleeves.

Oh well, at least that freed his hands again.

The birthday boy flung the two pieces of his shirt somewhere in the opposite direction of the fireplace, and resumed trying to strip his lover.

"Stop it," Kristoph said, his voice slurring into near incoherence. He grabbed both of Klavier's wrists with his hands. "Don't rip it. I'll make you feel good."

He let go of Klavier's wrists, trailing his hands downwards, pinching Klavier's nipples and rubbing sensually on them. His manicured nails scraped lightly on the tightened muscles on Klavier's stomach, tracing a circle around a belly button before moving even downwards.

Leaning in, he kissed his new lover again and his hand squeezed the bulge in those leather pants.

Kristoph moaned, thrusting his hips upwards towards Klavier, opening his mouth fully into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around his lover's neck as he leaned backwards so that he was lying flat on the floor, pulling the other blond down with him.

Meanwhile, Klavier still couldn't find where the belt ended, but he did manage to discover where the dress parted. He slid a hand down along the hem, until he couldn't reach down further without breaking the kiss, and then decided to just tug: hike the dress up, so he could crawl between those thighs...

Instinctively, Kristoph wrapped his legs around Klavier's waist. He buried a hand into long blond hair, pulling Klavier so close that he could feel the other's heartbeat.

The only heartbeat Klavier could hear was his own though, loud and fast and still drowned out by the harsh sound of their panting, moaning, groaning, and, "Whoa, whoa, baby, slow down." He tried. "You want it high and dry?"

They needed lube, didn't they?

Kristoph laughed, his voice unsteady. He reached up and tugged Klavier's head back down using those long blond curls.

"I wouldn't mind," he half-said, half-slurred. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened.

Klavier blinked, head clearing momentarily as he got another good look at the man beneath him. "Kris... toph? ...You want me to fuck you?"

Okay then, Klavier decided, he was having a really hot dream! Or else why would his brother look like Madam Butterfly?

He chuckled. "I'm gonna make you feel so good," he declared. After all, that was how lucid dreams always worked with him: whatever he thought about would definitely happen.

For a moment, Kristoph froze up completely.

Wait, his alcohol-and-lust-fogged brain tried to tell him. This is your brother. But he pushed all thoughts to the very best of his head, refusing to think about it.

Reaching into his obi, he untied it, pushing away the layers of cloth hiding the padding. He pushed all of those to the side so he could lie on the floor, spreading his legs around Klavier's thighs.


Then do it," he said hoarsely.

Klavier was having less of a problem with his mind, because he'd already decided this was probably just yet another one of those fantasies - he had a lot of those - and chances were he wouldn't remember half of this one in the morning either.

Besides, all those little doubts in his mind were shoved to one side when his wandering hands found that, "You're not wearing underwear."

Ohh, kinky.

And the dress was gorgeous, all black butterflies and lilies on crimson sky... something his brother would never in his right mind wear. He stroked Kristoph's cock curiously, and reached into his own pants with his freehand for a bottle of lube. Because Klavier was a little boy scout, he was always prepared.

Kristoph moaned, arching towards the hand on his cock involuntarily. His arms came up wrap around Klavier's neck, burying inside shoulder-length hair as he wrapped a leg around a hip. He sighed deeply as he felt Klavier's finger pressed inside him, the cold metal of a ring sending shivers of shock creeping up his spine. Reaching up, he nibbled gently on an ear.

"It's cold," his voice slurred due to the mix of pleasure and drunkenness. He laughed a little, nuzzling Klavier's hair.

Strange, he usually had to force him to behave like this. Like he was actually enjoying it.

"We'll heat things up in a moment, ja?" Klavier wasn't exactly asking. It was a promise. As he pressed another finger into his brother, leaned back a little to look at his face.

"You look so pretty, Kris. Your cheeks so red, like your kimono." He laughed. Kristoph owning a kimono? Oh, that was rich. And gorgeous.

Kristoph's hips bucked slightly when Klavier's fingers stroked against his prostate. He tilted his head up, sealing their lips together as he hummed deep in his throat. His hands slid down and cupped Klavier's cheek, stroking the cheekbones with his thumbs, chuckling.

"The same to you..." he darted his tongue out to tease the skin playfully. "You're pretty like this.”

"Of course I am!" Klavier grinned, "I'm a pretty boy... rockstar!" He kissed Kristoph's lips again, removing his hands to fumble with the belt buckle around his leather pants, removing the tight clothing with some twisting, and groaning into his brother's throat.

Finally, finally, he managed to free his erection. His boots were still on after all, so his pants really had nowhere far to go. Klavier groped for the bottle of lube and stroked himself slick, moaning like he was putting on a show - and oh, he was!

Kristoph couldn't help but gasp at the sight - Klavier was a natural performer. Sitting up on his elbow, he leaned forward and started kissing Klavier's chest, licking at the pink nipples until they became hard pebbles until his tongue. His hands weren't idle either, running up and down the planes of Klavier's back, manicured fingernails scraping the smooth skin lightly.

The kimono felt too warm, too stuffy, too constricting, but he had no presence of mind to try to take it off right now.

"Ohh, like that..." Klavier murmured, hands sliding down between Kristoph's thighs to hook under his knees and position himself. "Ready to rock and roll, baby?"

Knowing that he was a little unsteady, Klavier pressed forward slowly. He closed his eyes as he was engulfed in exquisite heat and gave a long, low moan.

The moan was muffled as Kristoph captured Klavier's mouth with his own. Their tongues sparred frantically - a startling contrast to Klavier's slow pace - as the older blond tried to keep from moaning aloud. He was being stretched open, practically impaled upon, and it felt so good.

Breaking the kiss, he threw his head back and simply tried to breathe.

Klavier picked up the pace easily as his self-restraint rapidly seeped out. The sound of Kristoph's sweet sweet gasping, panting was a total turn on. He secured Kristoph's thighs around him and pushed the kimono up further so he could sink in deeper.

"Kristoph," he licked his throat and sucked, kissed. "Let me hear you..."

Kristoph loosened his control over himself, letting his moan ring clearly in the room as Klavier seated himself inside him to the hilt. He drew in a long, deep breath, kissing Klavier hungrily as he let his body adjust to the intrusion.

"You're shameless," he teased breathlessly, licking the tip of Klavier's nose, then his lips. "Move." He punctuated the order with a jerk of his hips.

Klavier laughed, "I'm moving, I'm moving..." He moved back, so that he could feel himself almost pulling out, and then thrust in again, and again... "Kris, you feel so good all around me." He rocked against him, sinking his hands into his hair, meshing their lips together again.

Kristoph gave a shuddering moan into Klavier's mouth as the younger blond's pace sped up oh-so-slightly. Every thrust stroked against Kristoph's prostate, but it wasn't enough. Far from it.

He wrapped his arms around Klavier's back, tightening the grip that his legs had around the other man's waists and bucking his hips up to meet the thrusts. The kimono he was wearing was choking him - he felt so hot, so breathless. He tugged at the collar, trying to calm down.

But the pleasure only grew higher.

Klavier's voice rose as he neared his peak, and with it came more incoherent cries of passion, part-English, part-German, and whatever other languages the rockstar picked up on world tours.

He tugged that collar as loose as it was go, kissing the revealed flesh and otherwise leaving love bites that were sure to last for days, but there was no worry. It was a dream. A really awesome, realistic dream. He wouldn't really fuck is brother in real life...

Kristoph's voice joined his. Harsh, guttural German filled the air, spoken in a slightly rusty tongue, all words incoherent except for Klavier. He buried his hand into Klavier's hair as the other hand clenched around a handful of rug. His fingernails dug into the rug as he scrambled for an angle to thrust back against Klavier.

He was close, so close...

"Kristoph!" Klavier threw his head back as far as Kristoph's fingers allowed. His vision went blurred as he came hard, eyes squeezing shut with the almost-unbearable pleasure, skin so hot he just knew he was flushed red. He clung to the obi, to his brother, shaking and breathless.

Kristoph pressed himself upwards against Klavier, his whole body arching until his heels were touching the ground, digging into the rug. His vision was greying at the sides, and it was almost... almost enough. He just needed a little more...

Fumbling, he nearly tore the knots holding his kimono close apart in his haste. When the frustrating thing was finally undone, he reached downwards to touch himself.

But when Klavier caught sight of that, he wrapped his hands around Kristoph's wrists instead, and pulled them out of the way. "Baby, wait..." He kissed Kristoph affectionately, lightly, and smiled. "Sorry, baby... Let me take care of you?"

He was already moving out of Kristoph carefully, pushing the red fabric aside as he kissed his way down.

Kristoph's eyes flew open in unseeing surprise as he felt heat engulf him. Crying out, he couldn't stop his hips from bucking up into that heat. His fingers clawed the floor as he shook his head back and forth, trying to alleviate some of that raw, hot pleasure coursing through his body.

It was almost too much.

"Klavier!" He choked out his brother's name as he came.

"Mmph," Klavier seemed a little surprised when Kristoph came so quickly, but somehow the important thing in his head was not letting a drop spill onto the rug, so he focused on that, swallowing him down, and then licking that cock clean all over.

Kristoph slumped back against the rug bonelessly, panting like he had just run a marathon. His eyes slid close, and he could feel lethargy and the afterglow replacing adrenaline in his body. But he needed to get up and go to bed, and...

And convince Klavier to go to the guestroom.

At the slightly sobering thought, he tried to sit up.

Only Klavier looked at him with surprisingly clear blue eyes, pure and angelic and, "Kris?" He crawled back over Kristoph and kissed him and hugged him and nuzzled...

And fell asleep on him.

Kristoph stared almost owlishly at the snoring Klavier on top of him before trying to push the younger blond off. But he was tired and sleepy as well, and it just seemed to be too much effort...

Letting his hands fall to his side, he drifted off to sleep as well.


Klavier wasn't sure why he was lying face down on... some uneven surface, with no blanket... Wait, his pants were down, and he was on top of ... a warm, breathing male chest. Hang on a sec.

He lifted his head up, rubbing his eyes before he really opened them to see who his lover was.

Kristoph woke up to a sound of a gasp with a splitting headache and feeling sore all over. His mouth felt like several cockroaches had moved in with their families and held a mass suicide inside. There was... someone (presumably) on top of him.

Blinking his eyes open, blue eyes met blue, and Kristoph's widened in surprise and dawning horror.

The sound that came out from Klavier's dry throat was small and strangled. He blinked a few times, and then, in bits and pieces, memories of last night decided to surface. He bit his lip and forced his muscles to unfreeze and move.

Klavier lifted himself up, glancing down quickly. And then his eyes stayed there. Naked. They were both... and... And what the fuck was Kristoph wearing?!

"... Kris?"

Kristoph looked down, finally realizing that he was still wearing the ridiculous kimono from yesterday's... client. He squeezed his eyes, his head throbbing harder than ever. How was he going to explain this?

Opening his eyes again, he gave Klavier a wry smile. "Good morning. We... were really drunk, huh?"

"... Yeah," Klavier managed an awkward laugh, "...Is... Is that why," he swallowed, and that was when he registered the somewhat familiar texture of the bitter taste in his mouth. "I mean," he licked his lips, trying to reconnect his thoughts when they suddenly flashed to sucking his brother off. "Is that why you're in... a kimono?"

Kristoph gently nudge Klavier, trying to tell him without words to get off him so that he could sit up. Or, at the very least, move. Right now, he was trapped between the rug and Klavier, with nowhere else to look.

To make things much worse, every second brought him a new memory of what exactly they did last night. The more he remembered, the greater the shame he felt.

You took advantage of him, a voice in his mind his mind said treacherously. You took advantage of his drunken state to fulfil your sick fantasies.

Kristoph bit his lips, unable to deny the words. He looked away; staring at a sidewall like it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. "It was.... a costume party."

"You... you went to a... costume party," Klavier jerked back from his brother and sat on the rug, his dick limp... oh, so he did top last night... He blushed, pulling his pants on more so he could zip up again. It was all going to the wash later anyway. "On my birthday?"

Kristoph shrugged, picking up his glasses from where they had landed on the rug, putting them on. He sat up carefully, wincing slightly. He was... very sore.

Well, he was fucked twice yesterday night...

Sighing, he brushed his hair out of his eyes, staring to his right. "I doubt that you would want me there for your concert and after-party. I would've been just a wet blanket."

"I wanted you there," Klavier blurted out. But that was neither here nor there. He couldn't believe he really fucked his brother. He couldn't believe his brother was... his brother had to be lying to him. Even if he didn't want to go to his birthday bash, he wouldn't be such an ass as to go to someone else's party like that, would he?!

"Kris?" He looked back at him, at the kimono, then reached out and pulled the fabric together so that it gave Kristoph some modesty. So he could look at him...

Kristoph refused to look at him. He knew that Klavier could tell immediately that he was lying if he met his younger brother's eyes even more a second.

"Did you really?" He pulled at the kimono to cover his body, fussing with the ties and the knots, adamant to not discuss the subject properly.

"Yes! But you said, you didn't want to go to some bothersome party, so either you lied to me, or..." Klavier ran his hand over the rich red kimono. "This isn't a costume," he muttered to himself, "This is too good to be just a costume..."

He moved closer, trying to catch his brother's eyes, "You didn't really go to a party, did you, Kristoph?"

Kristoph met Klavier’s eyes, suddenly irrationally angry. He pulled the kimono close, almost hugging himself, his fingers digging slightly into the flesh of his arm.

"What do you want me to say?" He spat out vehemently, looking away. "That, on your birthday, I whored myself out to a man with a crossdressing fetish?"

"WHA-?" Klavier's mouth feel open, a chill running down is spine. He couldn't stay calm even if he wanted to. "Whor-NO!"

Klavier took his brother by the shoulders, and then cupped his cheeks so he wouldn't keep looking away. "Kristoph, what are you talking about?"

Kristoph simply stared at him for a few moments. Klavier didn't know, couldn't have known. It had taken so much effort for him to keep the truth from his brother, and now he had spilled it.

He closed his eyes, sighing, "I said, I spent last night whoring myself out, just like what I have been doing on a regular basis since I was fourteen." He laughed bitterly, pulling away as he tried to stand up. "You can say that he's an old client that I'm doing a favour for..."

"Four-" Words failed Klavier. His eyes were impossibly wide as he did the mental calculations: Kristoph, 30 years old; sixteen years ago, when they were... orphaned. "Kris," he stood up with him, or tried to, but his knees felt weak and he ended up tugging on the kimono, his legs suddenly feeling like they were being attacked by pins and needles. "Ah!" He slapped a hand on his thigh and willed the feeling away, unwilling to let his brother run away without explanation though.

Kristoph turned around, and, noticing that Klavier was in pain, immediately dropped to his knees and pressed his fingers gently against the presumably hurting thigh. He rubbed the muscles firmly, his hands travelling down to a calf, massaging that as well.

"Sit down, Klavier, or you'll make it worse," he instructed sharply. "You're only hurting yourself this way."

Klavier winced, "I'm fine, I'm fine, it'll go away," but held still and let his concerned older brother aggravate the cramps until his thigh went numb, which left him with... staring at Kristoph quietly. But when the older man tried to withdraw once more, Klavier grabbed at him.


Kristoph tried to recoil in surprise when Klavier embraced him suddenly and so tightly that he almost couldn't breathe.

"Klavier?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly, the uncertainty surprising even him.

Klavier couldn't find the words, not yet. All he could do was cling, and shake, and duck his head against that horrible, horrible kimono and ruin it... with tears.

Slowly, hesitantly, Kristoph wrapped his arms around Klavier, hugging him back loosely. His fingers combed out the slight tangles in Klavier's hair. He didn't know how to comfort Klavier, because despite how much he loved his brother, they didn't get to spend much time together due to their conflicting schedules.

He had never seen Klavier so... devastated before.

"Klavier..." he whispered lowly. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have told you; you weren't supposed to know. I didn't want to tell you." He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I didn't stop the both of us from doing what we did last night... and for not going for your party."

He laughed self-deprecatingly, "I'm such a horrible brother, aren't I?"

Klavier shook his head. "... Nein," he managed after a few tries. "For money," he looked up, "It was for money, so we could... so we could...stay together, right?" Kristoph must have had a good reason. His brother had a reason for everything; Klavier trusted him that much. "And now...you can't stop?" He gasped, "Are you being blackmailed?"

Kristoph stared at him for a moment. Could Klavier really believe that... yes. Yes, he could.

Feeling laughter bubble in his chest, Kristoph covered his mouth as he chuckled, honestly amused. He shook his head, "No. If anyone has the blackmailing material or clout, it is me, not them. Their positions are far more precarious than mine."

He took a breath, and shrugged. "I went yesterday as a favour from an old client... and to forge good connections with some of the most powerful people in the country." He smirked, "You couldn't have too many of that, ne?"

The younger man stared, brows creasing.

"C-" Confusion. "Connections?"

His hands, fisting the fabric tightly, trembled. "I don't understand." His brother was the kindest, most upright person he knew.

Kristoph bit his lip, trying not to smile, shaking his head. "You don't have to. Just... think of it as a failsafe." Using his thumb, he wiped away the tear tracks on Klavier's face.

"Let's not think about what just happened and what happened yesterday, na? You were drunk, and so was I."

"But you shouldn't need to..." he looked away, cheeks flushing at the reminder of last night. As if the fact his brother was still in that dress could let him forget. "To sleep with... ... for..." Come to think of it, now he didn't know why on earth his brother would sleep with powerful men even after he explained it. Or at least, he thought his brother explained it. Sort of.

He looked down, wiping his tears away with the... cleaner parts of his hands. Ugh, he grimaced. Bath. Now.

"I don't need to, nor do I want to, but I have to," Kristoph said, gently. But he didn't think that Klavier would understand. After all, his brother's world view was so much simpler and innocent than his.

He shook his head, "It doesn't matter." Leaning forward, he let himself press a chaste kiss against Klavier's temple. "Do you want to shower first? I'll have to change out of this..."

Klavier started at the chaste kiss, and gaped up at him. A second later, he was backing away and pushing himself up off the floor. "Yeah. I need to shower." He stood up too fast, halted and squeezed his eyes shut as his equilibrium corrected itself. He cursed to himself.

Kristoph cursed himself silently for that impulsive action. He really shouldn't have done that. He blamed the splitting headache and the hangover, but that wasn't really it.

Klavier, after all, wasn't the one who had incestuous, lustful feelings towards his brother.

Sighing, Kristoph rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. He gathered the ruined kimono around him, making sure that it covered his body as much as it could, and limped towards his room.

If he was lucky, Klavier would forget about everything that had happened yesterday and today. But that wasn't likely, was it?


Klavier couldn't help but look over his shoulder at his brother as the man limped over, head down because he was trying to keep that kimono off the ground so he could walk. With a sigh, he went back to his brother's side.

"Let me," he offered, gathering up the heavy fabric. "You focus on walking. I'll focus on not letting you fall, ja?"

Kristoph gave Klavier a small, grateful smile as his brother helped him into his room.

Perhaps the situation was... somewhat salvageable, after all.

"We're brothers," Klavier was saying. "No matter what we did last night, no matter what... we do with our lives, we'll always be brothers." He smiled at Kristoph and brushed an answering kiss against his cheek. "So don't worry, all right?"


fanfic, phoenix wright

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