[Fic] Guilty Pleasure [NC-17]

Mar 16, 2008 23:31

Guilty Pleasure

Authors: kagayachou and the-dw
Characters/Pairings: Klavier/Apollo, Phoenix/Kristoph, implied Phoenix/Edgeworth and Kristoph->Klavier and maybe Apollo->Kristoph
Rating: NC-17
Words: 9231
Notes/Warnings: An unconventional look at the Phoenix-Kristoph relationship, and Kristoph himself. In particular, thank you to the anon who wrote Aim to Please. It was inspiring.
Summary: Klavier and Apollo were up for some good clean fun, up until they came across this video of Herr Wright's... Looks like porn.

Apollo flailed a little as his eyes flicked from Klavier to the door.

"Klavier!" He whispered, fiercely, nearly panicking. "We... we shouldn't be going through Mr. Wright's things! He might come back any moment!"

"Relax, love," his boyfriend laughed, picking up an innocent looking VCR tape. "We're not investigating his deep dark secrets, ja? This is all set out in the open, so we shouldn't find anything he wouldn't want us to..."

He stared at the scrawl on the tape's label, blinked, mentally reread it a few times, then cleared his throat. "Gay sex tape, K. Hands off... Larry?"

'Who's Larry?' Apollo thought, but shook his head. There were more important things at hand. Like keeping Klavier from going through Mr. Wright's porn stash.

"That doesn't mean that we should go through it!" He didn't know why he was whispering, but he was anyway. "I... I object to it!"

The look Klavier sent at him was in no way angelic: no, his coy smile and those puppy eyes were pure evil.

"You object to gay sex, baby? What do you do when we make love then? Imagine one of us is female?"

Apollo flailed his arms, turning bright red. "NO!" He slapped his hands over his mouth after that loud outburst, eyes darting to the door. When no one seemed to be coming through it, he let his hands fall.

"I-I don't object to that! I... um, I object to us going through Mr. Wright's, um... uh..." he blushed harder. "Things."

"But I only picked up a tape. From that pile of dust there." Right next to the Steel Samurai collection, the Pink Princess collection, the Nickel Samurai collection... and the Jamming Ninja one too. "He did give us permission to watch some tapes." Klavier grinned brightly, "And that's one that looks interesting to me... Maybe," he was already pulling the tape out of its box, "we'll learn something..."

Apollo knew when he was defeated. He frowned, dropping back to sit on the ground with his knees drawn up to his chest. He turned to Klavier, the frown deepening as he poked the prosecutor on the nose.

"If Mr. Wright comes back and finds us watching... this," he could feel the blush returning, "it is your idea."

"Guilty as charged, baby!" For a second, his smile froze as he remembered that tour they had, and what it resulted in. Klavier pushed the thought out of his head and turned around to plop the the tape into the VCR reader, turning on the television while he was at it. He'd long given up on finding the remote, so he fiddled with the controls for a moment until something finally came on.

"Here we go!" Returning to Apollo's side, he wrapped an arm around him and pulled him down onto the couch.

"Ach!" That was how he found the remote: between the pillows on the couch.

When he looked up again, alarm bells rang in his head. "The setting is... my brother's house?!"

Apollo stared at the screen, feeling his jaw drop open.

"... Why would Mr. Wright have a video of Mr. Gavin's house and..." his voice trailed off. 'Label it gay sex?!'

Klavier stared hard at the screen. It was moving... somewhat steadily, not like it was on a crane, but rather like an amateur film effort, with the camera around eye level, moving around about as much as... someone's head would as they looked idly about the foyer...

"I don't know..." Klavier felt faint. "Is that... Herr Wright's voice?"

It was just a sigh, something about, "worth."


Phoenix stuffed his cell phone back in his pocket again, an utterly NOT satisfied frown etched over his face when he returned to the table. It was Miles' answering machine again. Was he never going to pick up? As he settled back down across from Kristoph, he pulled on a lazy, half-hearted smile. "Still nothing. Where were we?"

Kristoph brushed his hair out of his eyes slowly, watching Phoenix with sharp eyes. His... friend looked troubled and frazzled, perhaps just as much as Kristoph himself felt. He picked up the glass of wine with a hand, swirling the dark red liquid in the glass before taking a sip.

Slowly, he licked his lips clean, settling the cup back down.

"We were just talking about what a bastard Miles Edgeworth was, or such was the impression I gathered," Kristoph smiled gently, teasingly. "Do you wish to change the subject?"

The former defense attorney smirked wryly and took a slug of his grape juice. "Enough about that guy then. I'm being rude again," he laughed, tilting his head down, looking away slightly before turning an intent look back to the blond man.

"Lets talk more about you," Phoenix said with a teasing grin. They'd been flirting with each other the whole night. He could feel it. Hell, he yearned for the attention. Even if it was from someone suspiciously friendly... the brother of the prosecutor who lost him his attorney's badge...

Kristoph laughed softly, his eyes dancing behind his glasses as he took another sip from his drink. Phoenix's eyes told him perfectly clearly that the older man had seen his offer... and was considering it.

"I'm afraid that I'm quite the boring person," Kristoph said, smiling slightly and shaking his head. "There isn't much about me to talk about, unless you wish to listen to my ramblings of work or Klavier."


Klavier grabbed the remote and paused the video, turning to Apollo, "He only talks about me and work?"

Apollo scratched his head, "'Come to think of it? Yeah..."

Klavier stared at Apollo, at the television again, and then at the remote like it was something completely alien to him now.

Apollo's eyes swiveled back to the television. He grabbed the remote, resuming the video.

It... it was only to find out the truth. Right?


"Objection," Phoenix murmured, grinning. "The ah...ex-defense finds the still-defense very interesting company."

There were a variety of reasons. Like why Kristoph would befriend him. Why Kristoph sought him out so often, adamant about keeping in close contact with him to talk about what they've been doing with their lives. Why Kristoph ends up not talking about his life more often than not, the two of them dancing around each other with words.

"Objection," Kristoph countered back, smirking good-naturedly. "The ex-defense has a very... unique view on what 'interesting company' is. However, this still-defense shall not press the case."

He shrugged, the smirk changing into a gentle smile meant to reassure Phoenix. His hand toyed with the fork before starting to eat again, bringing one corner of a piece of macaroni to his mouth and sucking out the tomato paste inside. His tip of tongue darted out to lick at a drop of sauce before popping the whole piece inside his mouth.

"How is Miss Trucy lately?"

"She's... hmm," Phoenix smiled to himself, debating on whether to continue with a straight face, and finally settled for the smile he couldn't suppress. "It's a little disturbing, but my daughter's started going around showing people what's insider her Magic Underpants - for a fee." He was entirely serious, and yet...

Kristoph was very, very glad that he had already swallowed his mouthful of macaroni before Phoenix delivered that piece of news.

"I beg your pardon?" He was just one step away from gaping openly at the older man. It was one thing to be open-minded, but it was another to... to allow his daughter to sell herself. If that was what Phoenix was implying.

Kristoph really, really hoped it wasn't the case. He didn't need the mental images.

Phoenix's eyes narrowed slightly. It was a genuine reaction there, wasn't it? Kristoph always acted differently than his normal, sweet, nice guy facade when something sex-related came up.

"My bad," he looked away, scratching his nose, the little spycam on his hat tilting slightly more towards Kristoph's face. "What I mean is... She's not showing people the insides. Just pulling out very interesting things out from them." He paused, glancing at the silent man and smiling reassuringly.

"Trucy's holding magic shows, with Magic Underpants instead of Magic Top Hats."

Kristoph blinked. Well... that conjured a few disconcerting images on its own, but at least these were not as... disturbing as the others. He laughed softly, brushing the few strands of hair that had fallen in his face away from his eyes.

"Only Miss Trucy will think up of something as... unique and inventive as that and succeed in it, Phoenix." He shook his head, chuckling softly. "She's very much like you."

He finished up his macaroni and licked the back of his spoon clean, slowly and deliberately, eyes half-closed.

That's it, Phoenix thought. He bit his lip briefly; Kristoph wasn't giving up any time soon was he?

"Kristoph... You know how your brother treats his guitars like his lovers? You're doing that with your food."

Kristoph barely managed to hide a flinch at the mention of Klavier and sex together. He turned his head to the side, avoiding Phoenix's gaze for a moment before turning back to face the older man. Deliberately, he held the gaze while he dragged a finger through the pasta sauce, bringing it into his mouth and sucking on it gently.

His eyes never left Phoenix's.

Slowly, he let the finger drop from his mouth, giving it one last lick before licking his lips as well. Leaning forward, he smirked. "Not entirely, Phoenix. Only on certain, ah, special circumstances."

"Oh?" A chuckle. Phoenix leaned forward, resting his chin over his hands. Heck, Kristoph couldn't be attracted to his stubble, could he? The thought amused him, while the follow up - that the guy was probably more interested in his brother... didn't.

But he kept the lazy smile on his face. Held back the pity he felt - because Kristoph was sick for his brother, and thankfully - for everyone - never did anything about it. Maybe, Phoenix considered, Kristoph just needed an outlet..."So what's the occasion?"

Kristoph smirked, unaware of Phoenix's thoughts. "Is there a need for there to be an occasion when this is just a small... event between friends?"

Phoenix laughed quietly, "No, I suppose not." He stood and walked around the table, tilted Kristoph's chin up with a finger, bringing his lips close. "Now would be a good time to tell me if you're joking."

Kristoph's only answer was to seal their lips together in a hard kiss.


Now it was Apollo's turn to pause the video. He pointed to it, eyes wide and finger shaking, "Did- Did they just?!"

Klavier was on the edge of his seat. It seemed as though he didn't even hear Apollo at first, but when he blinked, and the incredible close up of the top of Kristoph's head was still on the screen, he gave a frustrated sound. "They're going to - they had sex?"

"A-Apparently...?" Apollo replied, his voice shaky and unsure. His eyes swiveled back to the television...


Phoenix kissed back, brushing his fingers along the underside of Kristoph's chin, tracing his jaw, to the back of his neck.

He could imagine what kind of a lover Kristoph might like, but...

But Kristoph could never mistake Phoenix as Klavier. The stubble wasn't the only issue. Throughout the slow, closed-mouth kiss, he was trying to figure out what sort of lover Phoenix wanted. This was really nothing more than a business arrangement, really: Kristoph was exchanging his body (not for the first time, definitely not) for his own safety... and for Klavier's.

He nibbled gently on Phoenix's lip, asking silently for permission to enter.

"Mm..." Phoenix accommodated, lips parting, beckoning Kristoph with a soft flick of his tongue.

It looked like Kristoph would have to do most of the work with this encounter, after all. Well, it wasn't as if it was anything new.

 Without breaking the kiss, he pushed back his chair, pulling Phoenix's closer using the collar of the other man's shirt. He moved from behind the table to step closer to Phoenix, deepening the kiss, his hands still tangled in rough cloth before he abruptly let go of it, hands traveling down Phoenix's covered chest to pinch at nipples beneath the cloth.


There was no pausing the video anymore.

Apollo asked, "What did... what did Mr. Gavin just do?

Klavier just shushed him, trying to understand.

Although how on earth were they supposed to see beyond a really bad camera angle that just about cut off around... Kristoph's chest...


'Where the heck did he learn how to...' Phoenix's train of thought was abruptly cut off by Kristoph's expert touch. He moaned, hand falling from the back of the other man's neck down to his front, tracing the hem of his suit jacket. He nudged the buttons loose and pealed that jacket from Kristoph's shoulders. 

At least there wasn't that extra piece of fluff always around Edgeworth's-

Phoenix broke the kiss, gasping.

Kristoph's eyes narrowed as he looked in Phoenix's blue ones. That look again. Well, if there was one thing that Kristoph disliked, it was someone he was having sex with (or someone he was going to have sex with; semantics) thinking of someone else. He would have to remedy this, wouldn't he?

 "You're thinking of him again," he said aloud, tone casual and musing. "I'm not distracting you enough, am I? Hmm..."

With that, he dropped quickly to his knees, his hands sliding down to curve around Phoenix's ass and hips. He smirked up towards Phoenix, removing his glasses in one slow movement, folding them and dropping them into his pocket. Then, swiftly, he leaned forward and mouthed Phoenix's half-hard cock through his pants.


Klavier slapped a hand over his mouth.

Apollo couldn't silence his gasp.


"Kristoph!" Phoenix's voice was strained, but unapologetic. He'd been comparing, but he hadn't forgotten who he was with, certainly. Edgeworth was gone. So damn long gone. And after Iris, Phoenix didn't feel confident enough to let his heart make free choices again - not just yet.

So it was with lust that he looked at Kristoph, this cultured, and surprisingly lewd friend of his. "I'm just," Phoenix laughed lightly, "glad you're not wearing too may clothes." 

After a moment of just enjoying what Kristoph was doing with his mouth and hands though, Phoenix slowly sank to his knees to face the other man. "You don't strike me as the submissive type you know," he said as he unknotted that velvet ribbon around Kristoph's neck.

Kristoph chuckled, a low rumble at the bottom of his throat. He tilted his head back, giving Phoenix full access to undo the ribbon, and then his shirt buttons too.

"A lot of things that I seem to be, I'm probably not," he said, amusement coloring his tone. He fell backwards, landing on his hands and ass as he unfolded his legs, reaching forward with one to stroke Phoenix's obvious erection through his pants. He made no move to undress the older man.

"Well, they say you seem like an angel," Phoenix quipped, and left the rest unsaid. Instead, he took Kristoph's hand, clasping it with both as he changed the subject, "Would you mind terribly if I borrow your shower?"

He paused deliberately, but a smile soon revealed the joke. "With you in it, that is."

Kristoph's eyes narrowed for a moment before he shook his head, laughing under his breath. "No," he said, teasing right back. "But you... we can use my bathtub." And the accompanying bath oils, went unsaid.

He stood slowly, finger-combing his hair because it had, for some reason, been mussed. Reaching out a hand, he offered it to Phoenix.

Phoenix didn't really need that helping hand. But he appreciated the gesture. Smiling easily, he leaned forward and laid a kiss against the outstretched wrist before standing up himself. Before Kristoph moved though, he stepped closer, kissed Kristoph's neck, and whispered, "Thanks."

Kristoph gasped, his hands darting out lightning-quick to grip on Phoenix's shirt, his knees nearly buckling as a shot of pure, hot pleasure went down his spine and spread throughout his body. The twin sensations of Phoenix's soft lips and his rough stubble over the overly sensitive skin of his neck had nearly been his undoing.

He opened his eyes (when had he closed them?), pupils dilated so much that black almost completely swallowed blue. He looked into Phoenix's blankly for a moment before he collected his thoughts.

"Bathroom," he rasped, then cleared his throat. "Now."

And he proceeded to nearly drag Phoenix there.

Ah, there was the control freak Phoenix pegged him to be. Phoenix chuckled, just walking quick enough to match Kristoph's pace without overtaking him.


"Gott," Klavier's voice was breathy, shallow, eyes glued to the back of Kristoph's head... at his back, that hand clutching Herr Wright's arm. Without realizing, he had a hand on his own hair, and was slowly crunching up the curls.

Apollo's eyes flicked over to him for a moment. But only a moment.

He bit his lip.


When they finally arrived at their destination, Phoenix wrapped his arms around the other man's waist, and began undoing his buttoned up vest and shirt, kissing... nuzzling Kristoph's neck lightly - just lightly because of the stubble, but it was certainly nice to find that it could turn Kristoph into a puddle...

Kristoph could not, frustratingly so, do anything much other than gasp and moan as Phoenix attacked his neck, nuzzling against it and driving him insane with sensations. His knees had long given way, and all that was holding him up was Phoenix's arms around him, and the near-death grip that he had on the older man's shirt.

He forced open his eyes, breathing raggedly as he tried to find his feet and balance enough to stand on his own. Shrugging off his vest and shirt, he let them drop to the floor as his hands unbuttoned Phoenix's pants, pulling that and his boxers down before he wrapped a hand around that cock and stroked. Just once, upwards, squeezing just a little.

Phoenix closed his eyes, a silent gasp falling from his lips. Was it legal for Kristoph's touch to feel so good? Because quite honestly, Phoenix wasn't the most experienced of lovers, what with that not-quite healthy (and he knew it) obsession for Miles Edgeworth. And then there was Iris. Although, with Iris, it was entirely too innocent for anything to happen.

So that really just left Edgeworth, didn't it?

The thought made Phoenix laugh. He looked at Kristoph: his hair, his face, his eyes. 'Focus on him,' he told himself. He ducked his head slightly, moving in to kiss those pale shoulders. "Kristoph..." he reminded himself, hands smoothing around his waist to pull the belt loose and strip the other man of his pants.

Kristoph let his head drop backwards, taking rapid, shallow breaths as Phoenix found his second erogenous zone - his left collarbone. There was a good reason why he used his hair to hide that spot. He panted, eyes half-closed as he tried to gather his wits back through the storm of pleasure.

"Phoenix..." he breathed back, his hands splaying on the older man's chest, slipping downwards slowly, caressing Phoenix's sides even as he tugged the shirt upwards.

For a laid back ex-defense attorney, Phoenix shouldn't really have been so... buff wasn't the right word. His pale torso was smooth and toned; that thick jumper he wore was definitely false advertising.

Phoenix helped Kristoph along, slipping his hat off and placing it carefully on the counter before he pulled his t-shirt over his head. When he was naked, fully naked, he knelt to his knees to help Kristoph out of the rest of his clothes as well...

Kristoph hissed out his breath as Phoenix freed his cock frm his underwear, stepping out of them in a swift motion. He cupped the back of Phoenix's head with a hand, feeling the edges of the spikes against his skin before he dropped gracefully to his knees, leaning forward to kiss Phoenix gently, then deepening the kiss.

Slowly, he pushed Phoenix backwards, moving even closer until they were chest to chest. Reaching out with a hand, he turned on the taps for the bath. The sound of running water filled the room even as Kristoph nibbled on Phoenix's lips, his tongue licking those same lips right after he bit them playfully.

Phoenix met his lips in kind, just expending enough energy to match his pace. More than anything, he was an observant lover. Control was in Kristoph's hands until... maybe until he really needed to come.

Meanwhile, Phoenix busied himself with finding more of Kristoph's erogenous zones, nipping at the shell of his ear, the lobe, careful with the stubble. Phoenix's hands were not idle either, rubbing down Kristoph's shoulders, arms... Kristoph was more slender, elegant - so damn smooth, Phoenix thought half-appreciatively.

"You're beautiful," came out unbidden. Phoenix seemed surprised suddenly, but amused nonetheless.

Kristoph blinked, taken completely by surprise. It certainly wasn't the first time that he had received that particular compliment, but it was the first time that it was paid to him by Phoenix.

Phoenix, his... ex-colleague, Phoenix, his... friend. Phoenix Wright, the man he had caused the ruin of.

Kristoph closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, giving Phoenix a small smile. "Thank you," he whispered breathily into Phoenix's ear, leaning in close. "You're not so bad yourself..." his hands stroked down Phoenix's broad shoulders and chest, tweaking the nipples gently.

After a moment, he pulled away, reaching over to the shelf rack to pick out a bottle of bath oil. "Hmm... sandalwood?"

"Mmm," Phoenix didn't even pretend to consider the question. He was just enjoying himself, and thinking that Kristoph was far too polite for it all to be real. "Okay," he answered in a similarly quiet voice. "... It's not so much as something that bothers me but... you could do better... with anyone else you happen to want. Why me?"

Kristoph raised an eyebrow. Was that a joke? He narrowed his eyes, twirling the bottle of oil absent-mindedly in his fingers. No...

Phoenix was actually serious.

Sighing, he sat down on the edge of the bathtub, reaching forward and pulling Phoenix towards him by the way. His hand traced gentle touches on Phoenix's pale skin as he considered his answer.

"You are my friend, Phoenix. At least, I consider you to be a friend of mine." He took a breath, "Currently, the number of people who can boast of that is exactly one."

He brushed his hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind a ear as he lifted his eyes to meet Phoenix's blue ones, completely serious. "I don't freely proposition people whose physiques pleases me, Phoenix. Perhaps I can have anyone I want, but... right now, I just want you."

It must be lonely, Phoenix thought. He smiled, because it felt like the right response to make. He was a cynic after all, reading the negatives before looking into alternative interpretations. Quietly. he kissed Kristoph. Kissed his lips, his chin, his throat, trailing his hands down Kristoph's sides to his thighs as he inched lower.

Phoenix didn't like Kristoph. But he liked him too. Sometimes, he was envious, wanted to hurt him even. But sometimes the guy made him feel... sorry, protective... or just feel good. Taking Kristoph into his mouth, Phoenix fought down the urge to forgive him.

Kristoph's eyes snapped wide open, his mouth dropping open as he tried to gasp for breath. His hand tightened around the edge of the bathtub, so much that his knuckles turned white. Just in time - he thought that if he had reacted a second slower, he would have fallen backwards. The pure shock and pleasure that exploded from his groin nearly overwhelmed him, traveling to the tips for his toes to the top of his eyes. It felt like hot electricity. He bit his lip to keep from moaning too loudly, panting through his teeth and his nose. Phoenix's mouth was eating him alive.

It was rare that he experience a blowjob from this perspective.


It was rare that Klavier experienced a blowjob from his perspective, too.

His lips were dry. He thought he heard himself croak.


Kristoph forced his eyes open again, spreading his legs wider. He thrust the bottle of bath oil that had miraculously remained in his hand at Phoenix.

"Fuck me," he half-ordered, hands trembling and voice hoarse. "Now."


"Oh my God," Apollo breathed.

He was mildly surprised he could still speak.


Phoenix took his time, licking his lip as he looked up with a curious, almost innocent expression. He blinked. "And let the bathtub run over on its own?" He leered, one hand curling around Kristoph's erection, rubbing a little circle of precum around the head as he continued, "I wanna take you with the water all around us, Kristoph..."

Kristoph growled, pulling Phoenix forward with one hand wrapped around the older man's neck, kissing him hard and desperately. His other hand wasn't idle either, wrapping around Phoenix's erection and pumping it harshly once.

He pulled away, grinning ferally.. Pushing himself away from the bathtub edge, he slid into the water, sending the excess spilling over the sides and drenching his hair. Raising a single, wet leg, he switched off the taps with a caressing motion, almost as if the cold metal was Phoenix's cock.

"Now," he said lowly through wet hair and water beading on wet lashes. "Would you get in here?"

Even though his cock was straining from the attention - and for more - Phoenix leaned over and kissed Kristoph with a smug, teasing smile before he lowered himself into the tub.

"Ahh," the water was hot. Wonderful. "We're using body lotion, aren't we?" He chuckled, feeling the sting from his abused lips. Kristoph tasted nice. Rather like the rich wine they had earlier with dinner. Phoenix hoped he wouldn't get used to it.

Kristoph shook his head, sending wet hair away from his face. He reached into the water and retrieved the rather abused little bottle of oil, uncapping it and emptying a quarter of its contents into the water.

As the water and the oil mixed, it became slick - slick enough to serve as lube. The smell of sandalwood permeated the room, and Kristoph smirked, dropping the bottle of oil to the bathroom floor. He crawled over to Phoenix, half-straddling him as he leaned his forehead against Phoenix's.

"This... this will do," he said, voice low and hoarse, and pressed his lips against the older man's.

Phoenix idly wondered if his spycam was fogging up. It felt... so hot in the room. Maybe he should have turned the thing off. He'd picked up the constant surveillance habit from Matt Engarde, but he didn't intend to hurt anyone, although this situation was screaming "blackmail material" and he just knew he was going to enjoy this - and probably re-watching this.

He couldn't help but laugh at the direction his moral compass had pivoted, but changed the sound into a pleased moan. "Take your time..." he said, rubbing and kissing Kristoph's chest, paying special attention to his nipples. The oil was going to be a great help, but Phoenix wasn't about to just shove himself in anytime soon.

Kristoph pulled away slowly, almost reluctantly. Planting his knees firmly on the porcelain of the bathtub, he grabbed the edge with his left hand as he pushed himself up. He spread his legs as much as he could in that position before he smirked.

His eyes didn't leave Phoenix as he reached downwards and pressed a finger inside himself.


Apollo's breath hitched, his mouth going completely dry at the sight.

Beside him, Klavier gasped sharply, horrified as his pants suddenly felt tighter.


Phoenix felt another flush of fever just watching him. He could hear their panting breaths so loud. He leaned back, as if a little distance could cool the temperature down a bit, and strangely, the hot water he sank further into actually helped.

He didn't touch himself as he watched though. Didn't dare. But that didn't stop him from reaching out, and drawing meaningless wet patterns over Kristoph's skin, whispering, "fuck..."

Kristoph moaned low in his throat, letting his head drop back, exposing the long white column of his neck. He arched his back, his body forming an almost perfect C as he fucked himself slowly on that finger, letting his body get used to the intrusion.

It had been some time since he had done this, after all.

Withdrawing the finger, he opened his eyes slowly, panting as he met Phoenix's intense blue ones. He chuckled softly, breathlessly, reaching forward to kiss Phoenix again.

"Enjoying the show?"

"Show, huh?" Phoenix's smirk was just short of evil. Leaning in, he bridged the distance between their lips, letting one hand run down Kristoph's until he could loosely circle his wrist. He tugged gently. "Then can I play a larger part in this show?"

He wanted to reach inside him and find that spot that would make Kristoph scream and squirm for more. Well, even if Kristoph didn't strike him as the type to scream - who knew, it could be soundless!

Kristoph laughed a little; play a larger part, huh? Well, Phoenix was the main lead in this little drama of their lives, after all...

He brushed his lips across Phoenix's, nodding in permission. "Go on, then."

Phoenix pressed his smile against Kristoph's, and let his hands run over his flawless, soft inner thighs. As he slipped a finger where Kristoph's had been, he licked the man's lips playfully in time with the movement: in, lick, slide out, lick, in, a tilt of his head to kiss him properly before he tried for a second finger, mouth moving over to Kristoph's sensitive neck.

"Aa-aah!" Kristoph cried out in surprised and pleasure, eyes wide as his fingers clenched involuntarily around the edge of the bathtub and, more painfully, Phoenix's arm. He barely managed to keep his balance as his neck was attacked by a flurry of kisses and licks and sucks. Pleasure was coiling at the base of his spine, but Kristoph slammed down the gates of his control. Not yet, not now.

Not before Phoenix, in any case.

Said man barely winced at the pain, too caught up with the fact that he made Kristoph cry out!

"So this is why you bother with that bow of yours," he mused, scissoring his fingers before he received an answer. "I wonder... if you're sensitive enough to just cum like this." He kissed him along his collarbone, sucked at the hollow of his neck. Leaving a mark wouldn't really be a problem, what with Kristoph's fashion sense. Wasn't like anyone would see the hickeys...

Kristoph opened his mouth, about to rebuke that point when his prostate was stroked, sending a raw pleasure bursting behind his skin, at the exact moment that he felt Phoenix's tongue brush across the oversensitised skin of his collarbone and throat.

Apparently he was.

Throwing his head back, the rebuke changed into a silent scream, arching against Phoenix as the pleasure reached its apex, bursting into white sparks behind his eyes. He grabbed Phoenix's face with both hands, almost lunging forward to kiss him deeply to muffle his moans and almost-screams. Thrusting blindly down towards the fingers inside him, he could still feel Phoenix rubbing against his prostate through his orgasm, making the pleasure reach such heights that it could almost be pain.


"He came," Klavier uttered stupidly.

Apollo nodded mutely, too dumbstruck to say a word.


Something clicked in Phoenix's brain. Suddenly, he realized that he couldn't accuse Kristoph. Of anything. He wouldn't be able to do it even if he had enough witnesses, proof, even with a full jury - he couldn't convict him on his own.

He was so... goddamn perfect.

Phoenix groaned into that desperate kiss of his, recognizing the signs of his obsessive/compulsive disorder latching onto another person who wasn't right for him - again.

Wasn't Edgeworth enough? Wasn't Iris enough?

I'm going to hell in a hand basket, Phoenix thought. The thought was strangely calming.

Kissing back, he wrapped an arm around Kristoph, pulling the man lower with him, withdrew his fingers, and reached in front to milk the blonde until he turned into a quivering wreck of hormones in his arms.

It wasn't love, surely, but Phoenix wanted him like that, in his arms, harmless.

Somebody, help me.

Kristoph closed his eyes, slumping completely in Phoenix's arms, his head resting on Phoenix's shoulders as he just tried to breathe normally again. He could tell that Phoenix was thinking, his attentions diverted away from Kristoph himself.

He lifted his head, staring blearily into Phoenix's eyes with his own dark blue ones. His voice, when he spoke, was raspy and breathy from the orgasm. "What are you thinking about?"

Silence. Blue eyes to blue.

Phoenix wasn't lying when he answered. "Crawling inside of you and staying there until neither of us can take it anymore."

He smiled again finally, thumbing a strand of wet blond hair between his fingers before tucking it behind Kristoph's ear. "Well, whenever you're ready that is."

Kristoph chuckled softly, dropping his head back onto Phoenix's shoulder.

"You have to give me a few minutes to recover," he said, sounding amused. "I'm not a teenager any more."

Despite his words, his hands spread against Phoenix's chest, moving downwards sensually in the water, pinching and rubbing against the nipples and dancing over the skin itself. They encircled Phoenix's erection, stroking the inner thighs gently in a circle before he closed his hands around the cock and stroked.

"I did say 'take your time,' so..." Phoenix trailed off. It wasn't like he needed to explain anything in detail anymore; he wasn't in court. He closed his eyes. A shallow intake of breath and he let an appreciative moan escape.

Kristoph hummed tunelessly as he continued stroking Phoenix's erection. Slowly, just enough to provide stimulus, and much, much too little to actually cause the older man to come. He leaned forward, muffling Phoenix's moans with his own mouth, exploring Phoenix's mouth rather thoroughly.

He could feel his energy and arousal returning with every lick.

Sliding his hands into Phoenix's hair, he deepened the kiss, raising his hips up so he was positioned perfectly above Phoenix's erection. He pulled away, and smirked.


Phoenix's eyes were glazed with yearning, but he didn't voice any complaints. Instead, he kissed Kristoph, whispering his reply against his lips. "Yes..." He stroked upwards along the man's thighs until he could wrap his arms loosely about his waist. "Please..."

Kristoph steadied himself, hands tightening around Phoenix's shoulders as he let his head fall downwards, hair covering his eyes. He sank down slowly on Phoenix's erection, hissing his breath through his teeth, feeling the hardness stretch him fully.

He really was getting used to doing all the work.

Opening his eyes, he kissed Phoenix again as he was fully seated in his lap.

Kristoph was beautiful to watch... but as Phoenix took the time to admire him and just feel... there was something he couldn't quite deal with: Kristoph doing all the work.

Phoenix took some deep breaths to control himself, hands rubbing his lover's back in soothing motions as he tried to find the words.

"Are you comfortable?" No, that didn't seem like the right thing to ask. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"I mean, this can't be good on your kneecaps."

Kristoph blinked. Well, it seemed that Phoenix had even more surprises up his sleeves than he had initially thought. He certainly had never been asked that question before.

He shook his head, smiling gently at the older man before unfolding his legs, spreading them around Phoenix's waist as he felt Phoenix's erection press impossibly deeper inside him. He bit his lip, stifling a moan.

"I'm alright," he breathed.

"Hmm," Phoenix fought down the urge to just grab him and - "So... tell me when you're ready for more, so I can start thrusting," he grinned cheekily.

Kristoph stared at him for a moment. Was he really serious?

... Apparently so.

He chuckled lowly, amused. Would Phoenix ever stop surprising him? He closed his eyes, grinding his hips against Phoenix's, gasping slightly when he felt the head of the erection brush against his prostate.

"Do I look like I'm not ready?"

Phoenix moaned, closing his eyes briefly. "No harm in confirmation," he chuckled, "is there?" But he got Kristoph's answer, so he moved his arms behind himself, palms bracing the bottom of the tub as he jerked his hips up a little.

Was that a good angle? Mmm, it sure felt good on his side of the equation.

Kristoph's breath hitched, voice caught in his throat as Phoenix managed to find his prostate again. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against Phoenix's as his arms wrapped around the older man's neck.

"No-" he began. His breath shuddered out of his mouth, causing him to lose his voice again. He tried again, "No trouble at all.... mm, do that again."

As he obliged, Phoenix tilted his head slightly so they could kiss more. Kristoph's lips felt heavenly after all. "Move with me," Phoenix half-breathlessly prompted against flushed cheeks. He felt incredibly turned on with Kristoph's panting, irregular breath caressing his skin, and that tight heat clamped all around him.

"Kristoph..." He didn't want to come just yet... maybe just last a little bit longer...

Kristoph raised his hips as Phoenix pulled backwards, slamming himself down on Phoenix's cock as Phoenix thrust upwards. The room echoed with the sounds of his pants and strangled moans, and Phoenix's own breaths, grunts and groans.

Phoenix was pressing against his prostate with every thrust, and the pleasure was so great that, amazingly, he thought that he might just come again.

"Aah..." he moaned softly, kissing Phoenix hungrily again. Smirking into the kiss, he tightened his inner muscles around Phoenix's cock just as the older man thrust up into him again.

With a sudden, strangled hiss of his lover's name, Phoenix lurched forward. Clung to him, pulling him impossibly nearer.

"Kris-aah!" Phoenix's vision turned white - and black all at once when he ducked his head against the younger man's shoulder, moaning against his neck.

Kristoph clung tighter to Phoenix, burying his nose into Phoenix's hair as he felt warmth coat his insides. The fact that Phoenix nearly shouted his name when he came made him lose his already spiraling control totally.

He reached downwards, taking his own cock in his hand and giving it a few harsh stroke. It was enough to tip him over the edge, and he moaned long and low into Phoenix's hair.

The water's surface seemed to calm somewhat, now that the ripples were only made from their trembling as they tried to catch their breaths. Phoenix found that, without knowing, he had wrapped both his arms around Kristoph's form, and so securely that he had to really force his own stiff shoulders to relax.

He let his arms slide back down to Kristoph's sides, and sighed contently, nuzzled his hair. Finally, he reached down to give Kristoph's cock a light stroke and idly rubbed his cum off of their chests.

Kristoph sighed throatily, lifting his head up from Phoenix's hair to softly kiss Phoenix's temple, following the lines of Phoenix's skull to finally plant a light kiss on those lips.

"The water's cold," he said, voice rough like sandpaper.

"Mmm," Phoenix nodded, but he made no immediate attempt to move. A few seconds longer, he leaned back, quite obviously looking Kristoph over.

It struck him how... comfortable Kristoph seemed at the moment. Like he was rather used to this position. Of being taken. Not that he knew what to make of the observation, so he didn't run his mouth about it. "Could I stay the night?"

Kristoph lifted himself up, pulling himself off Phoenix. He pulled the plug on the bathtub, letting the cold and dirty water drain away before turning on the taps for warm water again. He didn't turn back towards Phoenix, choosing to temporarily ignore the question.

"What about Miss Trucy?" He asked, voice quiet and curious. "... And I have work tomorrow as well."


Suddenly, Apollo's eyes strayed to the date and timestamp on the video - ... how long ago was this?!

Wasn't this the one day...

... Yes, it was!


"Trucy's having a sleep over with Regina now that the Berry Big Circus is back in town," Phoenix smiled vaguely at the thought, then sighed, "I don't plan on keeping you from your work tomorrow, don't worry. More like... I'm not a kid anymore.

"Heh. You tired me out."

Phoenix leaned over, kissing the nape of Kristoph's neck from behind. "You can kick me out too, if you'd like."

Kristoph closed his eyes, humming in affirmation as he leaned towards the soft touch. "You can stay in the guest bedroom," he murmured. He didn't offer anything more.

"Afraid I'd kill you in your sleep?" Phoenix chuckled. He drew away again, resting his back against one side of the tub as it slowly refilled with clean warm water.

Kristoph chuckled, turning to face Phoenix. He shook his head, hair falling into his eyes as he kissed Phoenix lightly. "You wouldn't do that. It will be far too obvious," he smirked. "I only have a single bed, or else I would invite you."

"Right, 'cause my daughter figured I'd be having a sleep over with you," he joked, off-hand adding, "and who knows how many people saw us leaving the Borsct Bowl together into your car."

Kristoph smiled, "As astute as ever, Phoenix. But you forgot one thing:" he leaned in, nibbling on an earlobe to as he breathed into the shell of the ear, "your fingerprints are all over my body."

Phoenix raised an eyebrow at him, then leered, curling an arm around Kristoph's waist and stroking his thigh teasingly. "And my semen... Can't forget about that. Even if we wash all our prints away, that stuff probably needs a longer time to get out of the drains."

Kristoph chuckled, licking up the shell of Phoenix's ears and tracing the lines of that strong jaw with soft kisses. "How embarrassing and undignified that will be. To be found dead with your cum still inside me..." He shook his head. "I certainly wouldn't want to die like that."


"This is no pillow talk," Klavier murmured dazedly at the screen.

Apollo took a deep, shuddering breath, shifting in his seat. He could only nod in response.

This was... this was weird.


That hand Phoenix had draped over Kristoph's thigh shifted over to his ass. "I should ah, clean you out first, shouldn't I?" He slid a finger down...

Only to be stopped by Kristoph's hand on his wrist.

"Phoenix," the younger man said firmly. "A teenager I am not, and nor are you. You do seem to have the libido of one, however..." He let his head drop onto Phoenix's shoulder, puffing out a soft breath. "Usually I will indulge you, but today I am rather exhausted..." Chuckling, he continued, voice soft and low, "It seems that the situation is reversed here..."


What situation!? Klavier tugged anxiously at his hair. He couldn't make heads or tails of what he was seeing. Phoenix Wright and Kristoph Gavin were... were men who all but ruined each others' lives!


"Hmm?" Phoenix let Kristoph stop his hand, but he didn't retract it. "You plan on going to sleep without taking care of that?"


Kristoph's answer was drowned out suddenly by the jangling of keys and the sound of the office door opening.

Apollo's eyes snapped to it, and it took him a second to realize that Mr. Wright is coming back before he literally dove for the remote, hitting his knee on the edge of the table, and his, uh, more... sensitive parts on the floor.

"OWCH," he yelled in pain, grabbing hold of the remote.

But it was too late.

He smacked into Klavier who had slid off the couch when he was fumbling for the remote. The older man cursed something in German when Apollo half-fell on top of him, and that was when Herr Wright sauntered in.

Phoenix eyed the boys in front of the couch, then let his eyes follow the sound of his own laughter towards the television, where he was carrying a similarly amused Kristoph out of the tub. To share his bed and continue fucking him until he called in sick the next morning, if he remembered correctly.

"Hmm..." he tilted his head slightly, looking back towards the frozen pair on the floor. "I hope you plan on using protection," he quipped. "Unlike us."

Apollo could almost feel his blood vessels dilating as his face flushed deep red. "Mis-Mister Wright!" He shouted, standing up very straight and banging his knee again, "I'm very sorry, sir! Um!"

Then he realized that standing up straight will definitely reveal his... problem. Blushing impossibly harder, he dropped back down onto the couch and curled into a ball.

This was so, so embarrassing and it was all Klavier's fault!

Klavier probably could have gotten a good look at the front of Apollo's pants, except he was still dazed from the screen that had long emptied of people, but not of the sound of whispers and laughter of...

Of Phoenix Wright and Kristoph Gavin.

He made no move to hide his erection, but stared incredulously at the proprietor of the Wright and Co. Anything Agency.

Phoenix grinned wryly, and wisely chose not to leave any further testimony. Instead, he turned to address Apollo. "It's fine, Polly. There's no need to apologize."

Apollo lifted his head a little, peering at Phoenix from between his raised knees. "We're really, really sorry though," he murmured. "We were just playing around and Klavier grabbed something random and popped it and we couldn't stop watching once it starts it's our fault I'M SORRY!" He buried his face into his knees again, utterly mortified.

Why wasn't Klavier saying something? Or... or just move so that his crotch wasn't straight in Apollo's line of sight?!

"Herr..." Klavier's voice was barely above a whisper, like he couldn't quite manage, "Herr Wright, my brother... He doesn't know of this recording, does he?" His wild blue eyes, so similar to his brother's, bore holes at Phoenix Wright, and that blasted hatpin of his.

Phoenix shoved his hands in his pockets, and simply shook his head. "That would have defeated the purpose," he simply answered.

"It's really fine, Polly. We can talk about this all later too. I'm not going to run away. I just don't think you want me watching you take care of your ah..." His eyes went down to the front of Apollo's pants.

Apollo pulled his knees even closer to himself as he heard Phoenix leave the room. He just wanted to disappear into the ground.

Klavier gave a strangled gasp for breath, and tugged Apollo's pant leg from where he sat. He wanted to cling to him. He wanted to be held. Now.

Apollo got the message. He buried his hands in Klavier's hair, pulling the prosecutor up towards him. Leaning forward, he kissed the older man, licking on the bottom lip even as his hands migrated down Klavier's back.

The guy probably needed a distraction from... from what they had seen. And Apollo was very willing to provide it.

Oh yes, they both needed something else to think about. Klavier kissed him back earnestly, trying to shove the images of his brother kissing Herr Wright so professionally out of his ringing head.

"Baby," he tugged Apollo nearer, "I don't wanna fuck, baby," he murmured between kisses. "Lets just get off, ja?"

If either of them topped, he just knew they'd end up thinking about the video more...

Apollo wrapped an arm around Klavier's neck, kissing him hard to try to get both their minds off the utterly disturbing (and hot, an inner voice said, and Apollo shoved that voice out his ear) video. His other hand groped around the couch, managing the find the remote and, fumbling, switched off the TV. Even though there was really nothing showing, just an empty bathroom.

Apollo thought that Klavier would appreciate it, nonetheless.

He pressed himself closer to the prosecutor, breaking their kiss reluctantly for a moment, panting as he asked, blushing, "Then... um, do you want a..." his blush darkened, "sixty-nine?"

"Mmm," Klavier nodded, then wasted no more time to kiss Apollo until he laid him flat out on the floor, pulling up his vest and shirt, hands expertly undoing his boyfriend's trousers.

Apollo wiggled slightly beneath him, helping Klavier get his own trousers down his hips while his fingers stumbled, trembling slightly, over undoing Klavier's stupid leather pants. Why did the prosecutor wear such... hard to remove clothes? Argh!

He panted softly, unbuttoning Klavier's shirt and running his hands all over that perfectly tanned chest. "We need to," he said, breathlessly, "move..."

"Move? Move where?" Klavier paused from shimmying out of his pants, a look of genuine confusion on his face. He blinked, then glanced up towards the front door, the room Herr Wright entered a few moments ago, and then ... the couch? "Think we'll fit snugly on the couch?"

Klavier bit his lower lip, with a suddenly poleaxed expression. "Or did you mean moving into ... his office?!"

Apollo smacked him on the arm, brows drawing together into a frown from the horrendous mental image. He shook his head, trying to gather his wits back about him.

"How..." he panted, "How am I supposed to... um," he gestured downwards awkwardly, "when my mouth can't reach you? You got to... got to turn around."

"Oh!" Klavier blushed at actually being instructed by his baby, but covered it with a quick smile and a peck on his cute button nose. "Your wish is my command, sugar."

He shucked his shirt to one side as he turned and went down on Apollo the next instant, the cool metal of his necklace dragging lightly over the attorney's stomach.

Apollo opened his mouth to object to the nickname, but his words changed into a moan halfway out of his mouth when he felt Klavier's mouth around his cock. He writhed under the ministrations, letting out in breath in a loud gust as he arched towards the heat.

After a moment, he realized that he was being selfish. Licking his lips, Apollo curled a hand around Klavier's hip, lifting himself upwards to lightly flick his tongue over the head of Klavier's erection. He teased it for a few moments with gentle, light flicks before taking the head inside his mouth and sucked.

Klavier was bobbing his head up and down, taking more and more of Apollo into his mouth as he pumped his lover's erection and stroked his thighs. He moaned almost orgasmically at Apollo's soft, shy ministrations, and pulled up quickly to restrain his gag reflex, then leaned back down to place a succession of quick kisses from head of his cock and down.

Apollo moaned around Klavier's length. His tongue pressed against the thick vein on the underside, moving back and forth, taking more and more of his lover into in mouth in slow succession. He sucked gently, his mouth hollowing around the erection.

His hands weren't idle either: he stroked Klavier's balls, rolling them in a hand before his hand traveled downwards. Smirking slightly around his mouthful, he pressed two fingers against Klavier's perineum.

That drew a keen moan from Klavier's lips, and his rock star whispered something almost worshipful in German against his cock. It was quite obvious Apollo was succeeding in distracting Klavier's mind from that video they just saw. Klavier dragged his lips up the front vein until he could wrap them around the head, twirling his tongue around it as he sucked more enthusiastically.

Apollo gasped, his mouth growing slack for a moment as his hips bucked upwards involuntarily. His left hand left on to the floor, clawing slightly at the rug as his breathing became ragged.

"God, Klavier..." he moaned softly, taking his lover into his mouth again. He increased his effort enthusiastically, determined to make Klavier feel as good as he did.

Klavier answered with a muffled moan, trying to keep his hips steady so he didn't just end up fucking Apollo's mouth and making his baby gag.

Apollo pulled away for a moment. He took a deep breath, relaxing his throat before his mouth closed around Klavier's erection again, taking him inside his mouth to the hilt.

"Mmph!" Klavier jerked his head up for air as he came, gasping, "Apollo! Apollo, Ahh! Gott! Baby, don't stop!" He kissed his cock, hands shaking slightly as he stroked him quicker, sucking almost as if for dear life as the pleasure flowed through him like a wave.

Apollo's hips jerked upwards into Klavier's hand, almost choking as he swallowed half-convulsively around Klavier's erection. He pulled away, gasping for breath as his head shook back and forth, eyes squeezed tightly shut.

"Klavier! Klavier, I'm going to come!"

His rock star took that exclamation as the cue to start milking him in earnest, both hands pumping him quickly, tongue flicking over his head, mouth ready to swallow.

"Klavier! God- Klavier!" Apollo cried out, hands gripping the rug as his hips arched upwards. His toes curled, digging into the cloth as he came, shuddering all over.

Above him, Klavier tried his best in his fight against gravity not to spill a drop as he swallowed him, sucking him up urgently like that would pacify his still-raging hormones. He stayed on top of Apollo until his boyfriend finally went limp, then collapsed beside him, and licked his fingers clean of the spill, panting.

Apollo laid flat on the ground, gasping for breath. He licked his lips, lifting trembling hands to wipe away the cum around his lips with his fingers. Sucking said fingers clean, he turned to Klavier, kissing him gently on the lips.

"Distracted enough?"

"Hmm?" Klavier peered up at him, momentarily confused. Then the memory of what he needed to be distracted from all rushed back, and he winced, squeezing his eyes shut with a groan. "I cannot unsee my brother and Herr Wright now, my love. But you are more than distracting, and more than enough." He smiled for Apollo and sat up, kissing him back gently before looking away to find their clothes.

Apollo sat down, reaching over to his right to grab Klavier's shirt, handing it to his lover with a smile. He grimaced at Klavier's words, shaking his head vigorously as if that will clear the mental images of those two together.

"And so are you," he teased, leaning forward to peck Klavier on the lips.

Klavier stared at him for a long, quiet moment, love shining in his eyes.

To be abruptly interrupted by, "Oh good, you're done." Phoenix walked past the couch without really looking at them. "Don't mind me. Just need the toilet."

They were gone by the time he walked back out.

phoenix wright

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