Fic: Surfacing, BSB gen, Rated G

May 25, 2008 00:07

Title: Surfacing
Author: Katie/kaethe
Fandom: Popslash (BSB)
Pairing: none/gen
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Written for the "It's Gonna Be May" challenge-thingy.
Summary: Nick gets sick--aka the author is in the mood for shameless H/C.

Getting a day off on tour was rare enough that Nick normally wouldn't have wasted it in bed past one or two o'clock at the latest. There was nothing normal about the Martian Death Flu that he'd contracted from one of their road crew, though. The hairs on his legs ached, and he would swear that he felt every needle prick on every tattoo. His head pounded, his mouth felt like he'd swallowed sand, and the very thought of getting up made his stomach churn.

The guys had planned this day off in minute detail for weeks, from shopping for new ways to entertain themselves on the bus to a basketball game, food that didn't come in a wrapper, and a club that was supposed to have an awesome DJ. Nick would have hated to be missing out on it if he hadn't been hovering on death's door. As it was, he was just glad he got to suffer in a bed that didn't move. And with the guys gone, he had plenty of peace and quiet for his last moments on earth.

Except when he opened his eyes to check the blurry display on the bedside clock, he saw a vaguely human shape sitting on the other bed. He blinked a few times and the shape resolved itself into Brian, who was leaning back against the headboard reading a book.

Nick wanted to say, "Hey, what are you doing here?" but it came out a feeble croak. It was enough to get Brian's attention, at least. Looking up, Brian gave Nick a quick smile.

"How're you feeling?" Brian set down his book and moved to sit on the side of Nick's bed, resting a hand on Nick's forehead.


Brian's mouth quirked. "Not quite, but I bet it feels like it. Here, the doc left you these."

He handed Nick a couple of pills and a plastic cup of water from the bedside table. Nick felt like he was lifting a thousand pounds as he pushed himself up on one elbow. Brian's arm around his shoulders steadied him and helped him back down as his shaking muscles threatened to give out.

"Thought you were going out," Nick whispered. Normal speech required more energy than he had at the moment.

Brian shrugged. "I'm kind of worn out. I figured I'd hang around here instead of running my tail off."

Nick hoped Brian wasn't getting sick, too. He wouldn't wish this on his worst enemy, let alone his best friend. He was suddenly too tired to say so, too tired to do anything but let his eyes fall shut.

He opened them again to find Howie and AJ sitting cross-legged on the opposite bed, each holding a spread of cards.

"Go fish, sucker." AJ grinned evilly at Howie, the lamplight reflecting in the sunglasses he wore at the end of his nose. Howie sighed, grabbed a card, and added it glumly to his hand.

"No one has this kind of luck at Go Fish," he announced. "I don't know how you're cheating, but I'm going to figure it out one of these days."

AJ smirked. "You can't cheat at Go Fish."

"And yet you do." Howie shook his head. "It's corrupting the innocence of my childhood memories. I used to play this with my gran."

"I've met your gran. She cleaned me out at poker. *Strip* poker."

"I think I need to bleach my ears."

Their near-whispered argument was somehow soothing, like the rush of distant ocean waves. Nick listened until it was too far away to hear anymore.

He felt like he was drowning. He swam frantically toward the surface, breaking through like shattering glass as he gasped for air.

"Whoa, take it easy."

Kevin's voice was too calm for Nick to be scared. He relaxed, enjoying the cool dampness that pressed against his forehead.

"I think your fever's finally broken." Kevin trailed the cloth down Nick's cheek, wiping away the sweat that Nick could feel coating his skin.

It felt like he'd been sleeping forever, but he was still unbelievably tired. He felt his eyes starting to close again and struggled to open them.

"Shh," Kevin said. "Go back to sleep. We'll be here when you wake up."

Nick slept.

writing, popfic, bsb

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