Episode Review: Silence in the Library

Jun 01, 2008 13:10

I like less and less the idea that Steven Moffat is going to be our new guru. Sorry to start the review with such a negative sentence, but this was really his pass-or-fail episode to me, and while I enjoyed the episode to some extent, I didn’t find it amazing, extraordinary, breathtaking, or russelltdaviesish in the least. It’s a whole bunch of ( Read more... )

review, doctor who, doctor who series 4, rant, tenth doctor, river song, steven moffat, episode: silence in the library, donna noble

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Comments 14

ascendant_angel June 1 2008, 12:27:30 UTC
Now I have to disagree I totally loved this episode aside from the whole River Song aspect, Not even going into that we'd be here all day.

But while I have loved all Moffat's episodes I do share some of your concerns; I am becoming increasingly concerned that thats all hes got to offer. You can't make a whole season of 'blinks' no matter how good you thought the episode was its gonna get old, boring and lacking in substance pretty quick.

So in conclusion I'm worried about what a future with Moffat has to offer, will he have anything new to offer us? Or is it going to be same old same?


kae_nine June 1 2008, 15:55:09 UTC
I didn't dislike last night's ep, even if I gave that impression when I wrote the review. Whoops. ;) I just had very high expectations because it was Moffat's and since I know he's taking over the show, I felt it was his chance to prove himself (and give me evidence that I'm wrong to be concerned) and that, to me, was failure.

The episode in itself was okay once I got past the bits that irked me.


kami_angel June 1 2008, 13:00:30 UTC
Hello *waves ( ... )


kae_nine June 1 2008, 15:51:24 UTC
Actually, I don't think the Ood was referring to River Song when he mentioned the Doctor's song ending soon. This time I truly believe it's a Rose-mention, because of the Doomsday music that played in the background. If it had been about River Song, I don't think they'd have bothered using Murray Gold's finest piece (yes, I'm a Doomsday fan through and through ( ... )


kae_nine June 1 2008, 15:53:22 UTC
So I assume Ten's going to see River Song die which is funny (not haha funny, like ironic funny, I don't hate her that much XD) seeing as his first meeting with her will be her last with him...but then what do I know :)

Just wanted to say: while I don't think it refers to the Ood, I agree that River Song is likely to die next week, and I like the idea that their first meeting is also their last. Very Doctor-Who-ish, that. :)


wendymr June 1 2008, 13:30:43 UTC
You could have been inside my head when you wrote that ;)

Seriously, like you, this episode does concern me about Moffat's ability to think through story arcs, character development, the arc of a companion through a season, variety of individual episode plots and continuity of story arcs through them and so on. He's written six episodes for New Who, five of which we've seen, and he's repeating himself over and over and over again (as I said on my LJ last night).

What also disturbs me is that reviews beyond LJ-land are all raving about this episode, from the summary list I saw on who_daily. There really is a sense around that Moffat can do no wrong. Now, I'm not saying the man's terrible at what he does; clearly that'd be a mistake. He did write EC/TDD, after all. But he's been repeating elements of that ever since, and he just does not know how to use established companions in a way that showcases their strengths alongside those of guest stars ( ... )


Moffat wendymr June 1 2008, 15:15:47 UTC
All mad in this journal. Moffat brilliant brilliant writer. Got lots more to offer, does not wrap things up so conveniently as Russell T Davies. Much more to him. Girl is not creepy, girl is nothing like Empty Child bit. Get a grip. Steven Moffat is the writer.


Re: Moffat kae_nine June 1 2008, 15:41:33 UTC
It's your (anonymous) opinion and you're entitled to it, just like the rest of us are entitled to ours. ;)


kae_nine June 1 2008, 15:45:28 UTC
I read your review after posting mine and thought yep, definitely agree with you on it all. :)

Like you say over there and here in your comment, it makes no sense that River Song, if she's as close to the Doctor as she claims to be, would be revealing bits and pieces and literally teasing him about his future. Like you say, he should at least be angry with her, or remind her that she's breaking his rules indeed.

I was also deeply annoyed by how stereotypical they made Miss Evangelista, and how obvious the whole plot development with her was going to be.

I'm still going to be looking forward to next week's episode, because no matter what, there's always a scene or two that saves the day for me (last night was Ten's shock and disbelief when he realised Donna was dead)


avoria June 1 2008, 16:49:10 UTC
Is it wrong of me to squee at the ranting? Because, really, I did. A lot.

Too much to comment on, because I am lazy and tired (oh-noes! I mean, I'm avidly writing fic, of course), but the "like" line got me, too. I'm still holding out for the fact that he befriends one of the crew, who then die, but... given Moffat's reputation, I doubt that's something that's likely to happen.

So far as the whole "River Song" idea goes (and I know I already said this over at a comment in my own journal), I'm hoping she's some sort of computer programme, or made up by the girl, or something. I hope that she isn't real, anyway.

At this point the wankers throw up their arms and say, "LOOK, MOAR BATCHIPPERS WHO DON'T LIKE RIVER SONG BECAUSE SHE'S SHIPPED WITH THE DOCTOR, HAR DEE HAR HAR HAR, AREN'T THEY LAME" etc. etc.Bitching,whatbitching? *g ( ... )


kae_nine June 1 2008, 20:29:41 UTC
Yep, six days to go. You know, I'm actually eager to see how they get themselves out of this without making me want to throw things at the screen. ;)


chandramas June 2 2008, 00:13:49 UTC
OK I start from the end ( ... )


kae_nine June 3 2008, 19:25:18 UTC
Good point about Donna not teasing the Doctor about how River Song so obviously fancies him. Ah well, I'll put it down to what insignificant role Donna had in the whole episode. :(

I hadn't realised RTD was still there for next year's TV movies. Ah well, one more year to definitely look forward to, then! And I'll try really hard not to think too much about the one time RTD disappointed me, with last year's Finale.


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