Best fic snippet ever, y/YYY ? ♥
...I'm not ignoring you guys, I'm just trying to fight through skip=100 so I can get back to the eighty bajillion things I need to get done before the familial seasonal celabrationing gets rolling. Tomorrow night. And I have to work tomorrow. It's very hard to crochet/sew/wrap gifts/bake when you are holding a
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Comments 3
Also, Sweeney Todd was good? I haven't seen it yet and no one on my FList is reviewing!
I really liked Sweeney Todd and thought it was gorgeous and held onto the tone of the play really well. I was a touch disappointed with some of the bits that were cut, I guess to make is more movie-like and less play-like? They cut out most of the like, chorus-y parts... and they never actually sing the Ballad of Sweeney Todd in the movie, which just seemed very weird to me. I mean, what's Sweeney Todd without dead people singing? But the movie held its own well enough that I didn't even notice what was missing while I was watching.
They didn't sing Sweeney Todd?? How can they do that? That's of the main..
That's just weird.
Did they sing "It's Priest"? Because that is the best song in the whole musical
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