Into the Darkness, 4/?

Oct 06, 2008 22:10

Title: Into the Darkness, 4/?
Author: justpickaname
Disclaimer: I own nothing, nobody, nohow at, around, or inside Doctor Who. Wish I did though....
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (10), Donna
Warnings: No spoilers
Summary: Will The Doctor be able to see?

Want to catch up?

Chapter 1
Chapter II
Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter IV

The Doctor held his breath while Donna unwound the bandages around his eyes. This was it. If he could see something…anything…this would be the time to find out if his vision was returning. The pain had finally subsided, and being blinded for more than two weeks had strained even Donna’s patience with him. Foreboding had stalked him down the corridors of the TARDIS, padded closer and closer until it felt like a great cat ready to pounce on its prey. His nerves had been left mangled and torn until he was snapping at Donna even when she was being helpful. He had started feeling like an invalid and he knew he wasn’t if she’d just give him room to breathe. So, he held his breath now….and waited.

Donna dimmed the lights so his eyes wouldn’t be shocked when she unveiled his eyes. She prayed to whatever gods were out there and some that weren’t that he would be able to see. She wasn’t sure what she could do for him if he couldn’t. She couldn’t bear to see that indomitable spirit snuffed out. His was a flame that burned so brightly, she felt like he was brighter than that damnable missile.

She took a deep breath as she unwound the gauze. When she was done, she stepped back and said, “Doctor, you can open your eyes. Remember, it will probably hurt a bit and take time for your eyes to adjust to the light. I’ve left them on low so, hopefully, it won’t shock your eyes too much.” She knew she was babbling but she was so nervous for him.

The Doctor opened his eyes slowly…first one and when he could see nothing out of that one, he tried the other. The world remained dark, so he sat there and waited for the light to make an appearance. He was totally silent….and it was so loud because of it. He could hear a soft drip, drip, drip from the tap in the sink. He could hear the low thrum from the TARDIS. He could hear the rustling of Donna‘s clothing as she tried to wait patiently. He could hear his breathing as it became increasingly jagged. What he couldn't do, was see any of those things. He couldn’t even see a shadow of those things and his breathing went from jagged to panicked. He couldn’t see… he couldn’t see.


She knew, without him finishing the sentence that his eyes hadn’t recovered. That he was still blind.

“Oh, Doctor…” She choked “Doctor…can you see anything? Anything at all?”

He didn’t answer. He didn’t need to…he didn’t want couldn’t be.

“Leave, Donna.”


“Leave, now!” The Doctor yelled as he jumped off the sickbed. He stumbled, caught himself before crashing to the ground.

“Now!” he screamed once more, when he felt Donnas’ hands on him. “Get. Out!” He could hear Donna sobbing as she slammed the door open, then shut, trying to escape his anger. He felt a brief stab of guilt but abandoned that feeling to the rage that was welling inside him, bubbling to explode as he crashed around the sickbay. He swept his arms about and felt them make contact with something. Judging from the crash that ensued it was the test tubes that lined the counter. He ran his hands along the counter, fingers stinging and becoming slick with blood, small nicks sliced into his skin from the broken glass. He felt what he thought was the microscope, something he wouldn't be able to see again... use again! He grasped it in his hands and threw it. It collided into the door with a dull thump. The Doctor let out a great gasping sob as he slid down the wall, sitting abruptly as a tinkling of glass surrounded him
On the other side of the door, Donna pressed her ear against the door, hands splayed on either side of her face. Her expression etched into such sadness for The Doctor as she listened to him crash about the room. She flinched back suddenly when she felt a harsh thump against the wall but crept back to press herself against it again. She heard The Doctor's agonised sobs and wanted to go in, to comfort him but she knew he needed this. He’d been wound so tight these last two weeks and he needed this release because not being able to see…that would require The Doctor to be ready to start again…to learn new skills ... to learn the basics... to learn to fly the TARDIS again.

She sighed deeply, then allowed herself to slide down the door and sit there, head pressed hard against the door and waited till he was ready for her

hurt!doctor, ten, donna, fanfic, doctor who

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