In need for a vid beta

Oct 19, 2014 13:23

Yay, a rant-free post! The hard drive lab just called me a minute ago and said there's an 80% chance they'll be able to recover my data, so now the wait starts again but that's finally some good news to start the week with.Sorry for the late response in comments, it's been busy here with the holiday and something I've been working on ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

ash48 October 19 2014, 10:55:03 UTC
*hand up*

Not entirely sure what my time frame will be like but I'll take a look if you'd like me to. :)


justmep2 October 19 2014, 11:07:18 UTC
Of course I do! I thought about asking you before, but I didn't want to bother you.
Sending you a PM. :)


ash48 October 19 2014, 11:14:13 UTC
No probs! I like being bothered! Especially when it's to do with vidding!


herminekurotowa October 19 2014, 11:04:50 UTC

... )


justmep2 October 19 2014, 11:08:47 UTC
Haha, thanks. :D
I can't believe she's coming to JIB and we'll get to meet her!


herminekurotowa October 19 2014, 12:26:26 UTC

Psst, looks like I got a Jensen Meet&Greet. I'm waiting for the confirmation though.


justmep2 October 19 2014, 13:14:40 UTC
Whoa!! That's awesome and so, so exciting! I won't say congrats yet (don't wanna jinx it), but I'm holding my fingers crossed for you!


jj1564 October 19 2014, 23:09:40 UTC
That's brilliant news about your computer! I've never beta'd a vid but I love your ones and if you ever need someone to have a look, please pm me. looking forward to seeing it, you know I love the dark & angsty side!


justmep2 October 22 2014, 13:07:02 UTC
I got so invested with working on it that I didn't even check my LJ, so obviously it's a little too late now - sorry for the late response. But thanks for offering!


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