In need for a vid beta

Oct 19, 2014 13:23

Yay, a rant-free post! The hard drive lab just called me a minute ago and said there's an 80% chance they'll be able to recover my data, so now the wait starts again but that's finally some good news to start the week with.
Sorry for the late response in comments, it's been busy here with the holiday and something I've been working on.

Speaking of, I never worked with a vid beta before but this one is way out of my comfort zone and I'd love for someone to take a peek and give me some constructive critisizm.
It's angst/dark, almost 3 minutes long and focused on demon!Dean with spoilers up to 10.02.
I'm not sure where to even look for a beta, but maybe one of my friends would be interested?


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