10.02 First reaction

Oct 15, 2014 13:13

I just finished two minutes ago, and I needed to get this out before I can even begin to think of anything more coherent to say.

I'm not entierly sure how I feel about this episode, so I'll start by listing some random things that comes to my mind and see where that leads me.

First of all, what the hell happened in the opening sequence? Because for a moment I could have sworn it was an old footage of Jensen they used, but on the close up it didn't look like him. But there's no way they found a look-alike that looks so much like Jensen, and it couldn't have been even if they did, it felt like Dean/Jensen. So make-up and effects? Holy shit.

Demon!Dean is creeping me out. In a good way. He wasn't scary in the season premiere, but here? Wow. That's one fantastic performance by Jensen, I dare say one of his best in Show's history. Just looking at his eyes and his facial expression is eery. Everything about Dean is foreign and scary, he's unpredictable and cold and I love it.
I mean, I hate it. I want Dean back, and it's disturbing to see him like this. But I love it. Does it make any sense?
Probably not.

I can't begin to desribe how much I liked what happened with Crowley. So Dean did walk out on him last episode, and when he agreed to kill for him I wanted to scream, but nope. Dean Winchester is not one's pet and he's not taking orders, especially not from Crowley.
His conversation with Lester was so, so disturbing. The way he just gutted him and smiled.
Now, on the one hand, Dean killed a human. Dean murdered an innocent human, just to piss Crowley off. On the other hand, he didn't kill the wife, the one who, you know, didn't make a demon deal and sold her soul. And in a way, the guy was already doomed to a worse fate. In ten years he would've died and ended up in hell, Dean killing him now actually gave him a chance to avoid that fate.
So many questions about this scene. Did Dean ever consider this before he did it? Did he care? Did he plan the whole thing, or did he take mercy on the wife when he watched her, and decided to punish the husband instead and fuck with Crowley during? Or was it all just done by impulse?

Whatever happened at the bar before Sam showed up, it's obvious Dean asked himself the same question Crowley asked him and struggles with it. It almost feels like he wanted Crowley to double-cross him, like he wanted to let Sam catch him. This might be just my wishful thinking, but I believe that somewhere deep down this inner struggle between human and demon has been going on for a while. Killing a human for the first time (that we know of) just now? It's like he hoped Sam would catch him, maybe kill him now that he crossed the line.
I'm not saying he'll coporate with Sam from now on, but I think the real solution for Dean's cure depends on him wanting it. And while he mostly doesn't, there's these doubts and little glimpses of Dean that leads him there.

Cole's story is as predictable as I suspected. It's not to say he's an interesting character, he's smart (a little too smart) and I'd like to see more from him, but his background story was way too obvious. Plus, are we supposed to believe he's 24 years old? Because, come on. The guy looks older than both Jensen and Jared. He's probably closer to 40 than 30. Not that it's a bad thing, but he just doesn't pass as 24. The least they could have done is make him 17 or 18 when his dad died.

The angels are still boring. I.. don't hate Hannah, but I don't like her and I'm seriously not interested in whatever's going on between her and Cas. Cas' storyline would have interested me much more if I wasn't too busy in waiting for them to go back to Dean or Sam, like if it happened later in the season, and there was just too much of it. Same with Metatron. I liked him as a baddy most of the time, but I'm just not interested right now in whatever he has to say. There's more pressing matters.

Dean's Princess Bride refrence. Perfect.
"It's just a car". OUCH. No, it really isn't.

Still not sure how I feel about all this.
The first two episodes this season feels a little slow paced. I'm not sure it's a bad thing, but it's different.

episodes reaction, season 10

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