In which I reach the pinnacle of rare-fannish babbling by comparing two tiny Yuletide fandoms

Dec 07, 2011 00:48

And now, because I just found two more assignments that weren't in the syllabus (I swear, fifteen papers for a one-credit class is TOO D**N MUCH)... something a bit more cheerful!

Specifically: why two of this year's Yuletide fandoms are surprisingly alike. Because I like doing strange comparisons, and also sophia_sol was interested when I said "Frontier ( Read more... )

general waffling, reading, sutcliff: frontier wolf, star wars: x-wing, fic rec

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Comments 10

solo_by_choice December 7 2011, 19:44:59 UTC
Will read later. For now, just wanted to say I love your journal title :D Thanks to Wes Janson for my life motto.


justice_turtle December 8 2011, 23:15:00 UTC
'Thanks to Wes Janson for my life motto.'

Ditto. XD


lost_spook December 7 2011, 19:56:10 UTC
1. (Because you said it was okay for me to do this). You like screwed-up people in space? With snark? (You can finish this paragraph for me can't you? ;-D)

2. I liked the crappy X-Wing books! ;-p I didn't like the good ones at all. They probably tried to be serious, or something. I never held with Star Wars taking itself seriously.

3. Is Rosemary Sutcliff still pretty popular in the states? That would explain a lot, especially so many of her book being in yuletide, I thought it was just the Eagle of the Ninth film or something, because she's pretty solidly OOP here, which is sad. (Eagle of the Ninth and Arthur trilogies being the main exception.) For some reason I had sort of imagined she wouldn't have crossed the Atlantic well. I don't think my library had Frontier Wolf, but I read all of hers I could get hold of - I remember especially liking Dawn Wind, but you'll probably tell me that one's the crappy one. ;-D When I have a brain again, I would quite like to do a re-read of her stuff; she was always interesting.


justice_turtle December 8 2011, 23:57:21 UTC
1: I have a Plan to watch B7, yes. But it involves getting a job and buying the DVDs, so it's taking me a while to work up. *g ( ... )


lost_spook December 9 2011, 12:40:18 UTC
1. I thought the DVDs weren't out in the US? But a Plan! Hurrah! \o ( ... )


justice_turtle December 9 2011, 23:54:29 UTC
1: They aren't! So I can't get my local library to buy them. But there are ways and means to hack cheap thrift-store DVD players to play Region 2 - so once I have a bit of money, buying the Brit-edition DVDs and "making" a Region 2 player to play them is A Viable Plan. :-)

2: Well, Wedge is in all the X-Wing books by both authors to some extent - I couldn't say which have the most - but (except for Wes, who is my main interest) all the other characters in the Allston books are different. So I can see that it might be a bit off-putting if you were getting tired of Star Wars anyway.

(Me, I had that whole two-year period before getting into online fandom where I had literally nothing to do but read through the local library. For some reason I latched onto the Star Wars tie-ins and read, I think, all the pre-New-Jedi-Order books that were out at the time. O_O)

'"where is Mara Jade hiding in the films?"'

*giggles* Same here! :-)


sophia_sol December 9 2011, 03:35:43 UTC
Ooh, this Wraith Squadron book sounds EXCELLENT! I'm glad you made this post. :D


justice_turtle December 9 2011, 23:56:47 UTC
XD It's a trilogy, really - Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist, and Solo Command - and there's also a stand-alone novel by the same author, Starfighters of Adumar, featuring a couple of the same characters.

(Also? There is a new Wraiths novel coming out next spring by this same author! *flailyhands* I'm so excited. And the wraithsquadron comm has much good fic, depending who you like of course. *g*)


sophia_sol December 10 2011, 00:31:44 UTC
:P GOOD TO KNOW. Now the entry on my list of books to read can be more specific!


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