In which I reach the pinnacle of rare-fannish babbling by comparing two tiny Yuletide fandoms

Dec 07, 2011 00:48

And now, because I just found two more assignments that weren't in the syllabus (I swear, fifteen papers for a one-credit class is TOO D**N MUCH)... something a bit more cheerful!

Specifically: why two of this year's Yuletide fandoms are surprisingly alike. Because I like doing strange comparisons, and also sophia_sol was interested when I said "Frontier ( Read more... )

general waffling, reading, sutcliff: frontier wolf, star wars: x-wing, fic rec

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lost_spook December 9 2011, 12:40:18 UTC
1. I thought the DVDs weren't out in the US? But a Plan! Hurrah! \o/

2. I so sjouldn't have said anything (although random passages of books are always nice, thank you), because I so can't remember anything much about them. Except I liked Wedge. I was in it for Wedge. I think I liked other people, too. As far as I can remember, what stopped me was simply that the characters changed over, and I was probably at the end of my Star Wars phase (it was a short-lived one, except for always liking the original films, of course. And, you know my guilty secret, that I'll totally watch and enjoy the prequels because of Ewan). So I couldn't be bothered with new characters. Also my vague, possibly completely wrong memory is that either there was no/less Wedge, or something had changed that I disapproved of? I don't know. I just came away with a "that was fun, but I've had enough now" and "where is Mara Jade hiding in the films?" and closed the door behind me. I've never been much of a one for tie-ins - except of course, for DW, and even there, not so much as what I call 'proper' books, even though, of course, they may be no better or no worse. :-)

I like happy babble on lj about things people like, though.

3. That does explain it, though - so she was school reading material at least in some places. It's just I've noticed quite a bit about her, compared to other British children's authors of a similar era, who I might have expected to see more about. The amount of stuff around on the internet is usually related to whether or not America knows about it. I read her at about the same age, so I don't have much else to say. I think she was the writer who was ill/disabled for a long while?? I think that's why she tended to focus on disabled/otherwise outcast protagonists, which is interesting. As I said, I'm curious to reread her some time, if I can. (And, I'm out of date now, but for a long, long while I knew exactly what was and wasn't IP and OOP in Children's publishing in the UK!! I was either pretty awesome, or rather sad... :lol:) And, yes, she wasn't an easy read, I do recall that. But interesting, I think.


justice_turtle December 9 2011, 23:54:29 UTC
1: They aren't! So I can't get my local library to buy them. But there are ways and means to hack cheap thrift-store DVD players to play Region 2 - so once I have a bit of money, buying the Brit-edition DVDs and "making" a Region 2 player to play them is A Viable Plan. :-)

2: Well, Wedge is in all the X-Wing books by both authors to some extent - I couldn't say which have the most - but (except for Wes, who is my main interest) all the other characters in the Allston books are different. So I can see that it might be a bit off-putting if you were getting tired of Star Wars anyway.

(Me, I had that whole two-year period before getting into online fandom where I had literally nothing to do but read through the local library. For some reason I latched onto the Star Wars tie-ins and read, I think, all the pre-New-Jedi-Order books that were out at the time. O_O)

'"where is Mara Jade hiding in the films?"'

*giggles* Same here! :-)


lost_spook December 10 2011, 20:48:36 UTC
'"where is Mara Jade hiding in the films?"'

*giggles* Same here! :-)

It suddenly occurs to me that someone could probably do a very silly picspam of 'spot the Emperor's Hand'... :lol:


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