Another round of the Five Questions meme

Oct 02, 2011 04:11

Okay, I felt like chasing this meme round my flist a bit, so I have more questions to answer here. There's another batch coming, but I figured fifteen questions would make a fair-sized post. XD ( Read more... )

fandom: star trek tos, fandom: star trek tng, fandom: bonanza, diana wynne jones, fandom: doctor who, fandom: deep space nine, fandom: discworld, fandom: sapphire & steel, fandom: star trek

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Comments 10

4thofeleven October 2 2011, 11:49:18 UTC
I was rewatching some early DS9 episodes, and it's weird how often Sisko seems to be almost the antagonist in half the stories, with his entire role being to get in Kira/Odo/Quark/whover's way... I get that they wanted to distinguish the show from the TNG crew, but I think they overdid it.

But not!Sisko's destroy the world plot is actually pretty plausable by the standards of Bond villains...


roseandheather October 2 2011, 14:56:15 UTC
I am SO GLAD I am not the only one who doesn't like Sisko. Honestly, the only thing that kept me going in those early seasons was Kira (oh, my beloved Kira whom I worship and adore!)

Also, so very very with you on the Bones and Odo love. (I will say that Karl Urban was so good as Bones, I sometimes forgot it wasn't actually De Kelley on my screen, and then my heart broke. He was just. that. good.) And, yes, I also like Pulaski, although I prefer Dr Crusher - my Wesley opinion remains unformed.

(When my brain starts working again you will get your five questions from me, promise!)


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justice_turtle October 9 2011, 18:22:33 UTC

1: Please explain why "mini-Balrogs" are in your interests. (And do they come in little boxes of six or eight like cinnamon rolls? *g*)
2: Tell me about your writing methods. Do you plan out a story in advance, start with a mental image and go wherever the writing takes you, or something else entirely?
3: Which are your five favorite icons?
4: Tell me about Warehouse 13. Why is it awesome? Also, what is it about?
5: Who is your favorite character in each of your (major) fandoms, and why?


lolmac October 2 2011, 16:12:21 UTC
If you'd like to ask me questions, have at it. They don't have to be about fandom, either.

On DS9: I seem to recall that Avery Brooks thought the role was beneath him, but liked the idea of having a regular paycheck. Of course, since a luminary such as Patrick Stewart had not considered a lead Star Trek role as beneath his dignity, it was a bit hard for macho man Brooks to say no . . . but that didn't make him like it. So a character who was intended to be hard-edged ended up bristling with spikes. (He'd have fit right in on SGU.)

On destroying the world: I loved the whole episode, but I particularly loved the complete insane impossiblity of the scheme. It's supposed to be obviously impossible. They probably sat around brainstorming: "Poison the oceans?" "No, too plausible." "Blow up the sun?" "Too plausible." "Red matter?" "Too plausible." "WAIT! I'VE GOT IT!"


pitry October 2 2011, 18:38:54 UTC
That's interesting about Avery Brooks. Do you know if he changed his mind at some point? Because as DS9 became more complicated and more continuity-based, I felt Sisko getting better and better...

...but who knows, maybe it was because the writers accommodated his moods more. It's not like I haven't seen that one before.


eponymous_rose October 2 2011, 18:42:32 UTC
Questions, yay! I'll take questions! :D

And yay, Inferno love. ♥ I need to watch some Pertwee-era!Who again.

Hmmm, three things that most attract me to a fandom? They all tend to be character-based, I think. Characters who are really good at what they do, and enjoy it. The awesomeness that ensues when good people are put into inherently bad places (I'm happy whether they maintain their goodness or are tragically corrupted). Most important is that there's got to be some sort of optimism involved, whether it's totally irrational or twisted or unshakeable. And because those are all pretty vague indicators, I'll tend to give almost anything a chance. ;) (The presence of spaceships helps, too.)


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