(no subject)

Aug 04, 2011 22:22

4. Do you have a "muse" character, that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the fic isn't about them? Who are they, and why did that character became your muse?

Short version: Oh yeah. One per fandom. (Otherwise I don't stick around, really.) And: because I want to simultaneously be him and hang out with him forever. Except for my lady the TARDIS; I wouldn't mind being an eternal time machine, so much, but 'shipping myself with the Doctor would be weird. ;D

Long version (i.e. babbling about why I love each of my fandom guys, and lady) under the cut!

* Bones McCoy: He's a doctor! The best doctor in Starfleet. When I say Julian Bashir is "a worthy successor to Leonard McCoy", it's the biggest compliment I've got. :D Also he is a snarky Southern gentleman with clever hands, twinkly blue eyes, amazing dimples, and a jack-o'-lantern grin.

I am going to put a vid here, if I can. Because, OH BONES HOW SO MUCH AWESOME. ♥__♥

image Click to view

* Steve Rogers / Captain America: I fell for him when he snarked off to Doctor Doom while undercover in a Spider-Man comic. (*Doom's airplane has been delayed - don't ask* Doom: Such incompetence would not be tolerated in the Latveria of... DOCTOR DOOM. Suspiciously blond airport security guard: How do you do that? Doom: Do what? SBASGP: Speak in all capitals like that. Doom: ... Silence, minion.) And then when he was a generally awesome gentlemanly person and a kickass hero, all in the same comic. So. :D

* Venom: He's an investigative journalist! With a shapeshifting suit of clothes! And the clothes want to eat people but the journalist wants to Protect The Innocent, which means he has to be all strong-minded and in control and stuff. (Yes, I have a thing for that. See also: Wolverine, Sam Vimes. *g* The Guarding Dark, EEEEE.) Besides, he is adorable with kids, which is my actual primary motivation for liking any of these guys. XD Also: INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST. Which is slightly above doctor on my list of Awesome Occupations, for it is like being a detective only with more Freedom Of The Press. :D

* Jack O'Neill: He's a snarky goofy guy who is also a very professional soldier and black-ops dude and leader. Especially leader. He is spiffyness.

* The TARDIS: ...do you really have to ask? She rocks hardcore, that is all. Every time she gets anything to do, she is fantastic! (Also the new interior set? Guh. I would have my hands all over that. I may occasionally have thought of venturing onto the kink meme to ask for Doctor/TARDIS hands-on-the-console PWP...) I am going to link a TARDIS-POV drabble here, because it sums up her awesomeness.

(Her name is inherently capslock. THAT IS HOW AWESOME SHE IS. *g*)

* Ducky: Mainly because David McCallum learned to be a medical examiner for real in order to play the role, and now he fact-checks all his lines and speaks at forensics conventions as an Expert. ♥

* Steel: Because he's tough, and scrappy, and efficient, but really totally out of his depth and a little bit woobie. Just enough to make him fun to whump on. ;D Also he has a velvet jacket, I ask you.

* Adam Cartwright: Well, honestly, I didn't like him at first. I fell for him when [guest star of the week]'s shirt got torn and everyone was staring at his scarred back, and Adam is just like "Here, you can borrow my vest." Understated compassion, in that one; clever hands and a smart brain, later; wry sense of humor, quite often; and dang good-looking all the time. (Those dimples, I mean really. If I could look like that, I would.)

* Illya Kuryakin: He's little, and smart-mouthed, and gorgeous, and athletic, and extremely good at disguises. And he has some of the funniest deadpan snark ever. And big clever hands - mustn't forget the hands. ;-)

[Honorable mention: Peter Tork. Because he is also gorgeous and athletic and funny with big clever hands. And an actual sincere hippie pacifist, which I did not know existed before I read up on him - apologies to the older members of my flist. :S And they are both musical, too. But I can't write Monkees fic.]

* Janos Bartok: He's such an idealist. I LOVE his speeches at Ernest about being Nicodemus Legend. Also his slightly goofy mad-scientist thing, and the way he scowls about boiling eggs - and just his eccentric persona in general. I like brilliant eccentrics. And he looks good in a fez. XD But my favorite scene of his, honestly, is the speech he does in ep7 about being an immigrant and how he came to America for freedom of belief... I've had the honor of hearing a few first-generation immigrants talk about American ideals, and WOW. That was spot on. *love*

* Q: ...mostly because he's gorgeous. And snarky. And hilarious. And - you know what? He's a fanfic writer. He specializes in AUs, and uses self-inserts for exposition, but he lets the characters keep their own personalities, so he's not strictly a Sue; more like a Sue who fell into an actual ep and can't get admired the way s/he wants.

(Also he looks fan-tas-tic in a torn-up Civil War uniform, my word. *nodnod* And he is cute with kids!)

* Odo: Odo Odo Odo. ♥ Honestly? He's a shapeshifty mall cop who is all gruff and in love with justice and likes kids! And he's a brilliant genius detective! (see also: Sherlock Holmes, bookverse) And when Kira needs a sounding board he is there for her! And he has awesomely clever hands and the most gorgeous blue eyes, and such a sweet smile. (Although it was rather a crime to cover up René Auberjonois's dimples for seven years, IMO.) And he snarks at Quark and Quark snarks at him and it is glorious! Yes. :D Also ODO AND GARAK. And... there really ought to be Odo And Everybody fic, there really should; I have not written the Five Times crossover(s) I had a bunny for, but I think it is noted down somewhere. *hopes*

* The Middleman: because when there was not a Captain America movie this was the closest thing to. Frankly. :S Also it was all goofy and fourth-wall-breaky and nerdnip and there was mockage - it was sort of like Captain America meets, um, the Monkees or something. BUT IT IS COOL. As is he. And mirror!Middleman... I want a "Mirror!MM and Mirror!Lacey and Evil!Noser FIGHT CRIME" spinoff now. Right Now.

* Wolverine: Because he's short and scrappy, and unbeatable, and he has the whole "inner darkness that does not take over" thing more than any of my other guys. And he is unstoppable and good at the "never give up" pep talks - which got me through some pretty bad days, I'll tell you. *nodnod* Also when being drawn by Dave Cockrum he is fricasseein' stunning, and I need an icon someday. *plots*

1. How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?
2. Name the fandoms you've written in, and how much you've written in that fandom, and if you still write in it.
3. For each of the fandoms from day two, what were your favourite characters to write?
4. Do you have a "muse" character, that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the fic isn't about them? Who are they, and why did that character became your muse?
5. If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a fic, whether your "muse" or not, what did you do about it?
6. When you write, do you prefer writing male or female characters?
7. Have you ever had a fic change your opinion of a character?
8. Do you write OCs? And if so, what do you do to make certain they're not Mary Sues, and if not, explain your thoughts on OCs.
9. Pairings - For each of the fandoms from day two, what are your three favourite pairings to write?
10. Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't write, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?
11. Genre - do you prefer certain genres of fic when you're writing? What kind do you tend to write most?
12. Have you ever attempted an "adaptation" fic of a favorite book or movie but set in a different fandom?
13. Do you prefer canon or fanon when you write? Has writing fanfic for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?
14. Ratings - how high are you comfortable with going? Have you ever written higher? If you're comfortable with NC-17, have you ever been shocked by finding that the story you're writing is G-rated instead?
15. Warnings - What do you feel it most important to warn for, and what's the strangest thing you've warned for in a fic?
16. Summaries - Do you like them or hate them? How do you come up with them, if you use them?
17. Titles - Are they the bane of your existence, or the easiest part of the fic? Also, if you do chaptered fic, do you give each chapter a title, or not?
18. Where do you get the most inspiration for your fics (aka "bunnies") from?
19. When you have bunnies, do you sit down and start writing right away, or do you write down the idea for further use?
20. Do you ever get bunnied from other people's stories or art in the same fandom?
21. Sequels - Have you ever written a sequel to a fic you wrote, and if so, why, and if not, how do you feel about sequels?
22. Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you've thought about doing? And if not, why not?
23. When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? Just an archive? Your own personal site?
24. Betaing - How many betas do you like to use to make sure there aren't any major flaws in your fic? Do you have a Beta horror story or dream story?
25. Music - Do you listen to music while you write? Do you make playlists to get into a certain "mood" to write your fic? Do you need noise in general? Or do you need it completely quiet?
26. What is the oddest (or funnest) thing you've had to research for a fic?
27. Where is your favourite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?
28. Have you ever collaborated with anyone else, whether writing together, or having an artist work on a piece about your fic?
29. What is your current project or projects?
30. Do you have a favourite fic you've written? What makes it your favourite? And don't forget to give us a link!

fandom: man from uncle, fandom: star trek tos, fandom: deep space nine, fandom: marvel, fandom: star trek, fandom: the middleman, fandom: captain america, fandom: stargate sg-1, fanfic meme, fandom: star trek tng, fandom: bonanza, meme, writing, fandom: spider-man, fandom: x-men, fandom: discworld, fandom: ncis, fandom: sapphire & steel, 30-day meme, fandom: the monkees, fandom: legend (1995 tv)

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