Magic of Baking: Week 1, Period 3

May 12, 2010 03:44

Alysha was waiting in the Home Ec room as the students came in. She gestured for everyone to take a seat around the big table in the middle of the room ( Read more... )

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Decorating Cupcakes justagalegirl May 12 2010, 07:48:52 UTC
There's lots and lots of moddable decoration supplies, frostings, sprinkles, anything you could want.

Also there are probably 20 dozen perfectly made cupcakes (Alysha got a little carried away) so decorate as many as you like and take 'em with you.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 18:35:46 UTC
"What was he wearing?" Rilla asked in an undertone.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 18:38:06 UTC
"Pretty sure it's better not to ask," she decided quietly.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 18:40:52 UTC
"He certainly was enthusiastic," Rilla offered.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 18:50:52 UTC
"And he seems nice enough," she agreed. "I've had Alysha," she still felt weird calling a teacher by her first name, "before, and she's a sweetheart, too."


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 18:52:41 UTC
"It's so odd calling adults by their first names," Rilla said softly.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 18:57:24 UTC
"I know. I'm still not used to it. Or at least not adding a Miss or Mister beforehand," she said.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 20:17:07 UTC
"Do they get terribly offended if you stay formal?" Rilla asked.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 21:39:35 UTC
"If they mind, they'll tell you," she assured her, smiling softly.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 21:45:12 UTC
"My parents would be appalled if I called an adult by their Christian name," Rilla admitted.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 22:02:16 UTC
"So would my grandmother," Sookie agreed. "I'm pretty sure she still doesn't let my brother do it, and he's almost nineteen."


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 22:14:11 UTC
"I think I would like your grandmother," Rilla said with a small smile. "Mine all passed away before I was old enough to know them."


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 22:17:21 UTC
"My parents died when I was seven," she said, with an equally small smile. "Gran's raised me and Jason. I bet I'd like your parents, though."


Re: Decorating Cupcakes rilla_myrilla May 12 2010, 22:47:17 UTC
"I'm sorry," Rilla said quietly. "My mother's an orphan as well."


Re: Decorating Cupcakes need_no_moon May 12 2010, 15:24:27 UTC
Huh. This was kind of fun. Considering half of the decorations ended up Jake's mouth instead of on the cupcakes. Sprinkles for the cupcake, sprinkles for Jake. It was all fair and balanced.


Re: Decorating Cupcakes justwantsquiet May 12 2010, 17:37:15 UTC
Ooooh. Sookie was going to spend the rest of her time painstakingly drawing little flowers, hearts, stars, snowflakes (that was for someone in particular, yes), and rainbows on some cupcakes. This was relaxing in the extreme after Loki's class.


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