See the rain on the street The way the cars shine And the scotch that she drinks With her lips so fine And her shoulders go weak As she closes her eyes Oh, my God, when she was mine ( Read more... )
List six (6) songs that you are currently doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the six songs in your blog. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to
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Grad school starts on Monday. MONDAY! Eeek! After I signed over my check of $800 plus $103 for the one class and one textbook I started having second thoughts. Do I really want to do this? Do I really need a master's? Is the pay off going to be worth it
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Is there really any point in writing here anymore? Hmmm. It just isn't the same as the ol' jullabee. I figure if anyone cares to know how or what I'm doing, they'll call.