Title: An Apology (Chapter 3) Series: Forget and Forgive Author: just_unravel Prompt: #18 restless Rating: PG Pairings: Pre-Rayne Warning: Here be the angst.
And also, I like these lots and lots and lots. I don't know that Jayne's thoughts have ever been expressed quite like this:
At that moment, Jayne knew why the Captain did what he did. Mal knew that Jayne's roughness would damage the girl, taint her in some way.
It's not just that they're afraid he'll hurt her; they're afraid he'll influence her to become harder, instead of her influencing him to become softer... and it's new to me to think of this as a bad thing, for River, anyway.
Bu...that's sad. You definatly have a heavy mood going on here. Does he ever remember? (I learned in my psychology class that if you dope up a rat and make it run the maze, it won't remember how when sober, but when it's drugged again, it can run it perfectly. Think it works on humans?)
*Sniff* He is sooo much more than a bad man living in the Black. He has so much to offer if he would just stop living in his past and see what is in his future. Stupid, ignorant Jayne for not letting himself become what he could :( *Chases Jayne to explain to him his error*
Very well written but oh so sad! They belong together, damnit!
*hugs Jayne and River*
If he was destined to be a bad man for the rest of his life, he--at the very least--wanted to be able to look back and see this as the one thing he did right.
Poor Jayne and River. I like that Jayne pulls no punches with himself here, but that he can't stop himself from looking at her. Wonderfully written. Is there going to be more?
Comments 9
But Jayne!
Humans are so dumb sometimes.
And also, I like these lots and lots and lots. I don't know that Jayne's thoughts have ever been expressed quite like this:
At that moment, Jayne knew why the Captain did what he did. Mal knew that Jayne's roughness would damage the girl, taint her in some way.
It's not just that they're afraid he'll hurt her; they're afraid he'll influence her to become harder, instead of her influencing him to become softer... and it's new to me to think of this as a bad thing, for River, anyway.
*wanders away, pondering*
*hugs Jayne and River*
If he was destined to be a bad man for the rest of his life, he--at the very least--wanted to be able to look back and see this as the one thing he did right.
I love that line. To me, that's very Jayne.
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