MOD POST: Perpetual Picture Spam Thread

Jun 03, 2010 22:33

The Just-Delicious Perpetual Picture SPAM Thread!

+ What is a Perpetual Picture SPAM Thread?
A place where you are always welcome to provide the makers of just_delicious with images!

+ How does it work?
Simply reply to this thread with any images you would like to see iconed. Alternatively, if a maker you like has their own thread created, feel free to reply directly to their thread with your images.

+ How many images can I reply with?
As many as you would like!

+ What quality do the pictures need to be?
Each icon maker has different preferences, however the higher the quality the better. Size does not always matter, but makers generally like to work with images larger than 1248x704 (or closest size) and above. Feel free to try your luck though, as some smaller images are also easily iconable.

+ Will my images always be made into icons?
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that every image posted will be iconed by the makers. While we'd like to fill as many as possible - some images are just hard to work with, or don't inspire the maker. We will however try to icon many that you provide us with.

+ Do I need to post my pictures in any special way?
Indicate clearly which pictures belong to which Fandom, but other than that, no.

+Any other questions?
Reply here and a moderator will get back to you as soon as possible.

Individual Threads:


maker: spg_spn_girls, maker: stacylk, comm: spam post, maker: kirbyed, !mod post, maker: raiindust, graphics: requests, maker: wildpages

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