Title: The Edge’s Start To Blur 3/?
Rating: Oh….its NC-17.
Characters: Ianto, Owen, Jack (fleetingly mentioned)
Pairings: Ianto/Owen, implied Jack/Ianto
Series: Chapter 3 of "Lying My Way From You".
Spoilers: If you’ve seen series one of Torchwood you’ll be fine.
Summary: Owen Harper has been craving certainty recently. But now that he has
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Comments 22
I love the descriptive passages "an idle patter of rain ...too docile to be called a downpour", so good.
Oh, and did I mention it was hot? It's hot!
And I am so pleased that you liked my description, as well as my brief smut. There'll be more of that too come too I should imagine. :) Thanks so much for reading. :D
That's it, they're going to have to have a threesome. Jack, Owen and Ianto. I can't see it working any other way. :)
Seriously though, I'm really enjoying this. It's a great piece for all three of them, but Owen in particular since he's not being a jerk but is still very in-character. Looking forward to more??
I am so pleased that you are enjoying this though. There is more approaching yes, hopefully filled with more non jerky Owen. But really, I am just glad you have liked it so far. :D
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