I knew Neko-chan was a mischief maker. Maybe she was able to detect the thong's evil intent and decided to kill it. -stifled giggling- Or maybe she didn't want Yohji to leave the house?
Thanks, Aya-kun. -happy smiles- You, too. Find me, I mean, if you need something. Anything. I can't buy alcohol for you or anything like that but I could probably wibble my way into someone doing it. -lopsided grin-
Comments 10
How is Neko-chan? It's good to hear that she's no longer attacking innocent and unsuspecting thongs.
No thong is innocent. Unsuspecting perhaps, but not innocent.
I don't know. A newly purchased thong, having little to no experience with life outside a retail establishment, could be considered innocent.
I'm really glad I met you, Aya-kun. -fidgets-
Lack of underwear has never stopped Yohji from leaving the house.
Please feel free to find me if you need something or would like to talk. I mean that.
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