Title: Kodak Moment
Rating: G
Comic(s): New X-Men, X-Men (Based off an RPG)
Prompt: The perfect something
Character(s): Jean-Paul Beaubier, Victor Borkowski, Remy LeBeau, Jono Starsmore
A/N: xD Jono and JP are just too funny…
Victor had been telling himself for years that he needed to start carrying a camera around and this just proved it.
The resident British musician and the resident Canadian speedster were sleeping rather peacefully on the latter’s bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Both had almost serene looks on their faces, a rare thing to see on either of them.
Biting his lip, Vic felt a smile trying to force it’s way into existence. For as much as they claimed to hate one another, it seemed as though they had found a comfort zone.
Behind him, Remy had begun to chuckle and the reptilian teen nudged him to try and shut him up.
On the bed, Jean-Paul’s eyes opened and Vic had to try very hard not to laugh as he shoved Remy out of the room, well aware of the sharp eyes watching them the whole time. As the door clicked shut, the speedster shifted a touch, looking at Jono’s face for a long moment before settling back down to sleep, not able to find the energy, nor the will to move.