JUST AS PROMISED - Prom King & Queen voting!

Apr 21, 2011 12:48

This is the official Prom King & Queen voting thread!

Please follow this format for voting!

Feel free to nominate your own character or someone else's, but please, no duplicates! Any secondary posts of the same character on the voting block will be deleted. Just put the characters name in the subject line.

EACH CHARACTER will get a total of 6 votes: 3 to spend on voting for King, and 3 for Queen. Spread them out, use them all for one person, use them on yourself, whatever! Just write in your comment box how many you're spending on the nominee (1, 2 or 3). I'm going on the honor system here, but if I see people voting like crazy everywhere, I'll delete those too. XD

Full details are here.

NOMINATIONS AND VOTING ARE NOW GO! Have your character start campaining IC if you want!! =D

Voting will close on Wed., April 27 at 8:00PM EST.
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