{radio} HS7 Yamada x Chinen

Dec 13, 2008 18:32

54th Radio Show (OA December 11th 2008)
Yamada Ryosuke x Chinen Yuri

HS7 UltraPower

Yamada: Good evening! This is HS7’s Yamada Ryosuke!

Chinen: Good evening! Continuing on from yesterday, this is Jackie Chinen.

Yamada: Good. Good. You said it clearly today

Chinen: Good. Good. I made it so you can hear it without the slow motion

Yamada: Okay

Chinen: A little improvement there. An improvement

Yamada: We have to keep making improvements

Chinen: I guess we do improve a little each day

Yamada: We have to make a plus for ourselves

Chinen: Yeah

Yamada: Yup

Chinen: Yup yup yup

Yamada: Where’s Chinen’s mini-information?

Chinen: Today’s mini-information?

Yamada: What did you search for today?

Chinen: I did go search

Yamada: With what, with what?

Chinen: I searched it with a cell phone today

Yamada: It’s a useful generation we’re in that we can even search stuff with cell phones

Chinen: Well, then let’s start with my material

Yamada: Ooh, go ahead

Chinen: I’d like to tell you the mini-information that I gathered for today

Yamada: okay

Chinen: Today is apparently, the anniversary of 100 yen coins

Yamada: Anniversary of 100 yen coins?

Chinen: Yup. Umm, 51 years ago from now…. It was the first time the 500, 500? No, the 100 yen coin was made

Yamada: That’s incredible, you’re trying to say it as if you’re remembering this but it’s obvious you’re reading off the sheet. You’re just reading it word for word too

Chinen: Oops

Yamada: Oops

Chinen: When Ryosuke goes shopping, are you one of those people who try not to get change?

Yamada: To have the same change? If it’s 850 yen… you pay 1000 yen…. 1050 yen?

Chinen: Like for 1 yen, those really small changes

Yamada: Oh 11 yen. I see, I…. don’t care

Chinen: Oh. Ryosuke is those people who pay 10,000 yen for 100 yen things

Yamada: Heck no, I don’t buy 100 yen things with 10,000 yen!

Chinen: I guess

Yamada: Yeah, of course

Chinen: Ooh, I missed

Yamada: A big miss

Chinen: Damn

Yamada: Stupid. What about you?

Chinen: Me?

Yamada: You?

Chinen: Ooh, I like to have it exact whenever possible. Like exactly the same. If it’s 2 yen, I’d pay 2 yen exact

Yamada: That’s good though because my wallet is always full

Chinen: Really? With change?

Yamada: Full of changes. It’s about to explode

Chinen: Umm, mine is those ones that’s pretty hard to open. Like after I opened the zipper, I’d stick my hand and take it out like bwaaah then I have to search for it

Yamada: Yeah, that gets annoying

Chinen: Yeah, as I think that’s a hassle let’s

Yama-Chi: Let’s start

Chinen: Hey!

Yamada: Say!

Chinen: SEVEN

Yama-Chi: UltraPower


Yamada: We’d like to talk with the talk theme we received from all of you today

Chinen: What kind of theme will we have today? Please enjoy until the end



Chinen: This corner is where we received keyword of the talk

Yamada: First letter. *drum roll* From penname

Chinen: Beef stroganoff

Yamada: From Kanae san

Chinen: Kanae san

Yamada: The keyword is “today’s lunch”! Reason is “My school [doesn’t serve lunch] so I bring obento and my mom asks me “what do you want for tomorrow’s obento? I can only request almost the same thing every time. So, I’d like to know what everyone in HS7 ate for lunch and I’ll ask that for my mom. I want to eat the same thing as everyone in HS7 so please make this the keyword. Please, HS7….”

Chinen: So we just have to say what we ate today. She wants us to say them so she could have that as her meal tomorrow. The same…

Yamada: Yeah, Chinen didn’t eat today

Chinen: I didn’t eat today. Crap!

Yamada: Crap!

Chinen: What did Ryosuke eat today?

Yamada: I… the same as everyone else? Oh that’s not 7 though, but I had eggplant and meat mixed together and oh white rice. It was a obento

Chinen: Obento, oh lokeben

※ロケ弁//Lokeben// abbr. location bento

Yamada: Chinen was just playing games next to me

Chinen: Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yama-chi: Yeah!

Yamada: This guy, Chinen didn’t eat his obento

Chinen: No, you’re wrong. Today happened to …

Yamada: Happened to

Chinen: Oh, were “anata//you” in the same lunch as me? I didn’t eat today so there’s no obento for me tomorrow

Yamada: Don’t say stuff like “anata”

Chinen: I guess I’ll say the next one

Yamada: Are you sure? Was that it? Okay then

Chinen: Garagaragaragaragara

Yamada: Gorogorogorogoro …. It’s too long!

Chinen: Garagara Doon! Dooon, here

Yamada: Go right ahead

Chinen: Who is this letter from? Radio name, Magu… Megu san

Yamada: Magumegu san

Chinen: Okay. Well, today’s keyword is “nabe”

Yamada: Nabe…. Shaaan//three!

※Sekai no Nabe atsu’s joke is counting but he becomes a retard on numbers that have three or multiple of three.

Chinen: Speaking of nabe, what kind of nabe do you like?

Yamada: Can it be any [type of food] that can be used in nabe?

Chinen: Sure, anything

Yamada: Then, you do shabu-shabu in nabe right? Wait, who am I asking this to? So, yeah I’d do shabu-shabu with the nabe

Chinen: That nabe sure is good

Yamada: Yeah

Chinen: The one with a little hole in the middle

Yamada: Yeah, yeah. I want that one at home

Chinen: Hmmmm, because it has a hole in the middle?

Yamada: Yup

Chinen: The vapor comes up from the hole

Yamada: The steam comes out

Chinen: It comes out like “woah”

Yamada: Yeah

Chinen: It’s great

Yamada: I like shabu-shabu. What about you?

Chinen: Me? I don’t really eat much of nabe things. Oh, why not go out [to eat nabe] together?

Yamada: We did go once

Chinen: We did?

Yamada: We ate shabu-shabu

Chinen: No no, we went to see shabu-shabu

Yamada: Ah, just the usual nabe then

Chinen: The two of us someday

Yamada: Yeah, just the two of us. It’ll be like a date

Chinen: Like a date

Yamada: Yeah

Chinen: Shinjuku? Shibuya? Shinbashi? Office worker

Yamada: Yay!! Well, I’ll pick one more

Chinen: Okay

Yamada: Ta-daa! Woah this paper is huge! From penname Kana san. The keyword is Soccer

Chinen: Soccer

Yamada: “Good evening everyone from HS7. I always enjoy listening to your radio” thank you “I have an interests in soccer. The member in 7 mostly had experiences in soccer so I’d be happy if you tell me what’s fun about soccer, how to be good player, or a soccer player I should look as a model”

Chinen: About Soccer …

Yamada: Chinen actually knows quite a lot of the players and I’m the one who actually played

Chinen: Well, I’d have to pick Mitome Yota

Yamada: Stupid, that’s the guy from my youth [soccer team], my friend. Stupid, he’s not a [actual pro] player

Chinen: Ah, sorry sorry

Yamada: But, Mitome Ryota kun was really good!

Chinen: Mitome Ryota kun?

Yamada: Ryota. Not Yota, it’s Ryota

Chinen: Oh, was it?

Yamada: He was really good, he was by far the best

Chinen: Really?

Yamada: Really. Like….

Chinen: Well, she didn’t really ask about him, sorry about that

Yamada: Then listen, listen, listen

Chinen: I’m really sorry

Yamada: Listen! Listen! Listen!

Chinen: Listen… okay

Yamada: Not just Mitome Ryota but there is one kid in the team I was in who was really the best. I was in a team called Super Junior… listen Chinen. There’s a thing called Junior Youth within the Super Junior. He was the same age as me but I was in Super Junior. It’s pretty hard to getting to Super Junior, you know. But that kid was already in youth, even though I was the same age. He was a 6th grader who played against high school kids or 3rd year middle school kids, it was sort of… sort of weird. If you watch this kid’s soccer play, I think you’d probably get the tips… I’m not sure if this can count as an advice but I think it’s important to just go for it without taking your eye off the ball. I think that’s how he does it whenever I watch that kid

Chinen: Okay

Yamada: I just said a great story! That was a good tip!

Chinen: Well, thank you for talking about Mitome Yota… Ryota kun’s history

Yamada: It’s fine..

Chinen: We’d like to end it here for today

Yamada: Eh…?

Chinen: We will be waiting for keywords you’d like us to talk about. That was, Hey!Say! TALKING

Yamada: Pleas listen to a song for now, it’s HSJ’s

Yama-Chii: Your Seed


Yamada: It’s already time for us to go, we are waiting for your mails!

Chinen: The address is…

Yamada: Please keep sending us an easy keyword to maniac kind of keywords. This was Yamada Ryosuke

Chinen: and Chinen Yuri

Yama-Chii: Good bye~

hs7:yamada ryosuke, radio, hs7:chinen yuri

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