{duet} Apr 10 Morimoto Shintaro

Mar 19, 2010 17:18

Duet April 2010 - I’ll be a good kid in middle school!? Maybe.
Morimoto Shintaro

Presenting Shintaro’s exciting & happy day by day in a picture diary format. Seems like he pictured himself in a life of a middle school student he’ll soon to be.

〇Month ×Day
I made yakisoba during my cooking class and each group made their own original yakisoba so, I was very fired up. Since people usually think “yakisoba = sauce flavor” I feel like all the groups made the usual similar sauce yakisoba. But out of all the groups, my group also cooked sauce flavor and salt yakisoba! I helped a lot too. The person in charge of cutting the vegetable wasn’t very good at it so I helped cut and seasoned it all my by self after frying it. Although it was disappointing that we ran out of time and the noodles came out half cooked and the people in my group said “I think the sauce tasted better” …

〇Month △Day
A middle schooler starting on April. I plan on being a good middle school student. When I said “good” I mean, listening to the teacher instead of causing a racket during class, not fight with my friends, and speak in keigo [respectful language] to my senpai. “if you don’t follow that, you’re gonna get eyed by teachers and your senpai” is what my brother (Ryutaro) told me. That’s why I made that my goal (laughs). But actually, I’m still going to play tag in the schoolyard or soccer during my break time because I want to be a high spirited and playful middle schooler. Ultimately, stay the way I am. Also, I want to join the soccer club if I could and become a player who can participate in games and nationals!

I’m currently into game of tag and I play it during break time at school with 10 of my friends. I’m actually quite good at running. On top of being the second or third fastest person in class, I can also climb up trees so the it can’t catch me. As long as I don’t lose rock paper scissors, I’m usually not the it. Ah, but letting your guard down is dangerous! There are its who desperately climb up to get you (laughs). For me, I never think “I guess I can be the it this time”. Because when you’re the it, your friends say “don’t come near me!” right? You’re on your own chasing too. I can’t stand being that lonesome.

〇Month □Day
I’m reading a lot of manga lately. There’s a bookshelf upstairs with all the manga my brother bought so I borrow them from there. My brother knows that I’m reading them too but when he’s in a bad mood he says “that’s mine, don’t read it without my permission” so it’s troublesome. I guess my brother doesn’t like his stuff being touched without his permission. He gets so mad when I just go into his room. After all, most of the interesting mangas are in my brother’s room. When I can’t resist, I sometimes take a little visit into his room when he’s not home. He gets mad every time he finds out but… I’m used to being yelled at (laughs).

jr:morimoto shintaro

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