
Dec 30, 2015 09:38

So...I just checked to see the last time I posted and aside from the newsletter, it was August of 2014. I thought for sure I had made at least one post. LOL

I'll try and remember some of the high points of the year and go from there.

NYE of this past year, mustangcandi graciously drove here directly after a trip to WV and drove me to my oral surgeon. It ( Read more... )

moving, health, jobs, dentist, 2015

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Comments 8

kukalaka December 30 2015, 15:17:58 UTC

It's great to read you again. Moving is good and living upstairs isn't that bad either. Free gym. ;p
Being unhappy with your job sucks. So it's good that you got a new one again. I hope that you'll feel better there.


julietm December 31 2015, 01:12:25 UTC
Hey sweetpea! It's good to be read! : )

I'm trying to make more of an effort to come in here, especially so I can keep up on your amazing life and the wonderful pictures you post. : )

Honestly, I already feel worlds better about my new role and am super excited to get started on Monday!!

How are things going, darling?


aravishermione December 30 2015, 15:58:40 UTC
I am so proud of you! Most people would just remain in their depressed pool of woe, complaining and not doing anything about it. But you did! You delivered smackdown and got yourself out of that job and situation. *high fives* You go girl!

And good luck with the moving. It sucks. I've moved three time in two years, and the last time (into the dorm) I had to get rid of 95% of my stuff. However, it sounds like you will be much happier in your new apartment and it will be well worth the pain of moving. Stairs do suck, but it's forced exercise lol. Also? I need your new address.



julietm December 31 2015, 01:14:22 UTC

Thanks for the kudos and the high five. I am feeling much better about life now and am excited to start this new role for realzies.

Yes, moving does suck but its going to be sooooooooooo much better that for once, I am actually looking forward to it...mostly. HAHAHA

Yes, we have both definitely learned the hard way that we need to keep better posted about new addresses. I will be sure to send it to you as soon as it's officially mine!! <3


vegawriters December 30 2015, 16:57:00 UTC
Hi again!

It's so hard to make the changes that you're making and you seem to really be managing it well. :)


julietm December 31 2015, 01:15:45 UTC
Hey sweetheart!!!! So good to see you here! *huggles!!!

Thanks for the sweet words. I fret a lot...but I'm trying to do better about that. It's not doing any good but I'm a professional fretter when it comes to my own life. Someone else's? I can give them ALL THE ADVICE. LOL

How are you???


mustangcandi December 31 2015, 01:41:35 UTC
I love this post. So much good the past year (even with the not so good, you learned a lot and came out brighter on the other side.)

1) To be fair about the anesthesia... you DID sing me a song. "I got druuuuugs. They're multiplyin'." I laugh about that every time I go down the vitamin aisle.

2) I was thinking about the Ed concert the other day. It wasn't just that Ed was amazing; Christina was sooooooooooooooo good and I can't even talk about Jamie! I had such a blast. :)

3) And I asked you to bring the Terminator movies; so I get myself into these messes. You just don't stop me. ;)

Love my bestie. She's amazing. <3


julietm December 31 2015, 01:48:33 UTC
I remember being afraid the cute pharmacist was going to think I tried to eat a small child because of that gauze. LOL

EDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! For 2 hours he cured me of my fear of heights. That's pretty spectacular. LOL Also yes, Christina and Jamie were(are) amazing!!!

There's no telling you things...so yeah, you do get yourself into SOME messes but I'll take credit for some as well.


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