Braces! Braces! Braces!

Aug 28, 2014 20:04

Oops. Looks like I dropped the ball a little bit on my braces updates. The good news is, I still haven't really had any issues (knock on wood). Last month we had the very pleasant surprise of finding out, three months ahead of schedule, we could put my bottom ones on so YAY!! Go teeth ( Read more... )

orthodontist, braces

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Comments 4

aravishermione August 29 2014, 00:23:27 UTC


adoptedwriter August 29 2014, 02:26:30 UTC
Glad all is going well! AW


mustangcandi August 30 2014, 01:43:05 UTC
I'm really tickled you are having so much success with your braces, and even happier you're not having too much trouble. That's what I was worried about. I can't wait to see the end result. You know how impatient I am (and how worried I am about the extractions. I try not to, but i can't help it.)



julietm August 30 2014, 01:46:01 UTC

I love that you worry about me. I will do better about keeping you posted so you don't have to worry so much.

I love you tons!


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