Well, I'm back...

Jan 02, 2014 22:32

It's 2014! WOOOT!!! I didn't make any resolutions this year but I do have some things in mind that I'd like to see happen this year and one of those things is to try to get back to journaling. I often say my life is boring and no one cares what's going on with me, but I think taking a few minutes and writing down some of my thoughts is not only ( Read more... )

braces, life, work

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Comments 19

mustangcandi January 3 2014, 03:42:57 UTC
I approve of this message. You of all people deserve ME time. Lord knows you put up with enough of other people. Hang out with you for a change, might change you're whole perspective on life. We like YOU. You should see it from our side of the fence from time to time. :)

Very excited for your braces, my dear. You know I'm here whatever you need. *hugses


julietm January 3 2014, 13:02:37 UTC
I know I'm very guilty of NOT taking ME time so I'm just going to try to at least be more aware of it. How can I get any writing done if I don't have any me time?? LOL


mustangcandi January 3 2014, 14:21:56 UTC
You? Writing????

... )


nicelyobsessed January 3 2014, 09:32:02 UTC
Very good resolutions! I should do the same ;)

What are "braces"? Dental braces?


julietm January 3 2014, 13:01:01 UTC
Yes! Dental braces! I will have them for about 2 years. : )


aravishermione January 3 2014, 11:00:49 UTC
LotR references ftw.

And YES to ME time!! You certainly deserve it!!! And writing always forces you to really sort and collect your thoughts, which I always find incredibly beneficial. It's like tidying your mind so you can find things :)

And good job with making the decision to get braces!! I personally think your smile couldn't be any lovelier than it is now, but there will be health benefits too and that's ALL GOOD :D

*glooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomps* ILU!!!!!!!!!


julietm January 3 2014, 13:04:31 UTC
Oh LotR references, how I love thee, and the people who get them! hahaha

D'awwwwwww! You are so sweet to me! Getting the braces really has nothing to do with how I look, at least not to me....but I'm hoping it WILL help with my headaches I get!



aravishermione January 5 2014, 10:29:09 UTC
Anything curing headaches or migraines is a GOOD thing!!




kukalaka January 3 2014, 11:39:42 UTC
no one cares what's going on with me
That's so not true! I really miss reading you/hearing from you.

ME time is always good! You really dseve it. My ME time is always on Wednesday. I start with going to exercise and then, I won't do much for school, but things I like.


julietm January 3 2014, 13:05:15 UTC
HUGGLES!!! Great to hear from you sweetheart! Thank you so much for the card! You are so sweet to always think of me!! I hope things are going well for you!!



kukalaka January 3 2014, 13:56:51 UTC
I've still git a cold and can't exercise, but otherwise, I'm fine. I wish I had that self-discipline that you have to get work done. Haha, I'm not really motivated to get started.


julietm January 3 2014, 14:01:19 UTC
hahaha! I have SOOOO much work to do for Random Acts but I really needed a break. So, that discipline that you are talking about needs to make an appearance before I get even more overwhelmed!


nicelyobsessed February 9 2014, 20:09:14 UTC
Sorry, I completely forgot to answer :(

How did your dental appointment go?

You have very good resolutions ;)


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