Fic Masterlist

Jul 20, 2024 22:47

Supernatural Fanfiction

Currently working on getting these fics uploaded to LJ. Until then, you can always read them at AO3 here.

All fics are gen. Currently nothing rated higher than Teen/PG-13, but if it ever becomes the case (or if there's anything that should be warned for) it'll be labeled as such.

> 15,000 words
Legacy - Takes place after 13x12, goes AU from there.
Sam's still searching for a way to save Mary and Jack from the apocalypse universe. Rowena offers to help. This will end well.
Part One | Part Two

Seventy-Seven Square Miles - Written for the Wayward Sisters Big Bang
All Patience wanted a normal summer visit to her future college. After the invasion of Sioux Falls she doesn’t think she has it in her to be a hunter.

But then she has a vision. So now between checking out dorms and registering for classes, she and Alex are looking for a mysterious girl, hoping to stave off a violent murder. At least Sam Winchester is available to help.

5,000 - 10,000 words
A vignettes exploring Sam's character as a martyr figure. For the Sam Winchester Creation Challenge on Tumblr.

Sam has a heart attack.

1,000 - 5,000 words
Tidying Up - Coda to 13x22.
After the party Jack confronts Sam. Then Dean confronts him.

< 1,000 words
Gifted - Coda to 13x21
Sam and Dean share a moment in the chaos immediately following the episode.

Quis et Deus - Coda to 13x23
A glimpse inside Dean's head during the last half of the finale.

Taking Out the Trash - Coda to 13x23
Billie and Lucifer have a chat.

fanfiction, spn fic

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