Fic Master Post: Seventy-Seven Square Miles

Sep 23, 2018 19:36

Title: Seventy-Seven Square Miles
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Word Count: 15k
Characters: Patience Turner, Alex Jones, Sam Winchester
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, underage drinking, post-Season 13
All Patience wanted was a normal summer visit to her future college. After the invasion of Sioux Falls she doesn’t think she has it in her to be a hunter.

But then she has a vision. So now between checking out dorms and registering for classes, she and Alex are looking for a mysterious girl, hoping to stave off a violent murder. At least Sam Winchester is available to help.

Part One
Part Two

Art Post

(Read on AO3)

A/N: I wrote this for the Wayward Sisters Big Bang 2018. Thanks to my beta, Interstitial, who helped tighten up the themes and chatted with me about exactly what kind of nurse Alex actually is. Thank you especially to my wonderful artist akobel.

This fic is a bit of a love letter to my city, Madison, Wisconsin. It was also inspired by realizing that 1) Patience and Alex have so many unexplored parallels with Sam and 2) deserve better overall. Hopefully the fic delivers.

wayward sisters big bang, seventy-seven square miles, wayward sisters, spn fic

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