Jukebox Nominations 2017 + bonus

Mar 18, 2017 00:51

Nominations are open!

Tagset for nominations is here

Nominations will close at the end of 25 March EDT.

Please glance over the guide below before you nominate, and then come back to this post or its Dreamwidth equivalent to comment. And if you're still thinking about it, try the brainstorming posts on LJ and on DW.

Nominations: basic
Songs or music videos shorter than 20 minutes can be nominated on AO3. If you don't have an AO3 account for nominations, please email jukebox.mod@gmail.com for an invite.

Please nominate in the style:


That is,

Golden Years - David Bowie (Song)
Beautiful Stranger - Madonna (Music Video)

etc. If nominating a cover, use the name of the cover artist.

To make it easier on the mod, read further...

Nominations: hard & fast
Please nominate music choices in the format MUSIC NAME - ARTIST (FORMAT) such as Kiss from a Rose - Seal (Song) or Maybe - Opshop (Music Video).

When you have made your nomination choices, it is very much appreciated if you can comment on this post with the following information for each song:
Link (YouTube, etc):
Lyrics link:

This information is optional, but it makes it easier for me to put together the table of all canons, and it also might make it easier for someone else to get interested in the music you care about.

You can also choose to include information about the genre of each song (even more optional, but it can help people decide which songs to try out). Use this form:

Link (YouTube, etc):
Lyrics link:

Nominations: bonus
Because it's the fifth year and I'm still really excited about that (and because I want to strike a balance between what people would like and the amount of effort required from me), I've decided to include an extra feature.

You can nominate 7 songs / pieces of music / music videos on AO3. But you can also add 2 more things, if you want, as follows:

Make your AO3 nominations, comment on this post or LJ equivalent with canon sources, and you can also sponsor 1-2 songs from any past round of Jukebox. I'm counting on you to check the past video & lyrics links, and if those are faulty, to supply alternatives. If you vouch for any one or two previous songs, and provide their video and lyrics links, I will add those to the 2017 tag set.

You don't have to enter new nominations to sponsor songs, just comment. Please only nominate or sponsor songs that you would be interested in requesting, writing/drawing/recording, or treating.

This post on DW

nominations, 2017

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