possible jinchuriki in naruto

Jul 12, 2006 21:11

I posted this in the AnimeSuki Forums a while ago, but I forgot to post it here. It's pretty interesting.

My friend was surfing some japanese forums for Naruto info for me, and she found japanese fan speculations of the mythical animals that could be used in the series. We don't know how they came up with it. Probably from Jap fairytales, myths, etc that they're familiar with. We combined info from the jap fans and searched the web for as much info as we could, maybe everyone can add other info they know?

We found some stories for the animals, but too lazy to read them

一尾 One Tail 守鶴 Shuukaku The kanji reads Shuukaku, so I'm assuming it's the thing that possesses Gaara.

二尾 Two Tail 猫又 Nekomata Cat youkai, has powers related to the dead.     
三尾 Three Tail 磯撫 Isonade Looks like a big Fish youkai.

四尾 Four Tail 鼠蛟 Sokou An oriental basilisk that might have the combined body of a chicken and snake. It's a married couple.

五尾 Five Tail 彭侯 Houkou Looks like a Dog youkai. Lives in an old tree. Has the power of each of the five elements in each tail.

六尾 Six Tail 雷獣 Raijuu Looks like a Mouse, but is as big as a Weasel. It has 4 legs and sharp claws.

七尾 Seven Tail 狢 Kaku The kanji means badger, but I thought Gaara's thing is the badger. I couldn't find any info on this one.

八尾 Eight Tail 八俣大蛇 Hachimata Orochi Big Snake.

九尾 Nine Tail 九尾狐 Kyuubi Kitsune Nine tailed Fox. Gee, I wonder who this could be?

So I'm thinking 1 is related to Gaara, 3 Kisame, 4 the Sasori pair, 8 Oro, & 9 the one and only Naruto.

Posted by Jubilee
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