superman returns imax 3D, facials, microdermabrasion

Jul 02, 2006 14:30

I saw Superman Returns in IMAX 3D yesterday. I thought the whole movie would be in 3D, but only bits of it were. Nevertheless, the movie was enjoyable, not great, but worth seeing. Brandon Routh plays Superman well, right down to the little curl of hair on his forehead & the cleft on his chin. His eyes had this beautiful shade of ocean blue (I bet they're contacts) & he exuded the perfect strong boyscott persona. I can't decide who's the better Superman, him or Christopher Reeve, who's equally as hot.

I wish we got to see more of Clark Kent. It's sad how he's always being overlooked; even by Lois Lane, the love of his life. I personally don't think Lois can be with Superman unless she accepts & acknowledges Clark as someone important in her life. Afterall, Clark IS Superman. Or rather, Superman is Clark.

I also got a facial at the famous Christine Chin spa by Christine herself. She definitely lives up to her reputation of giving the most thorough extractions. All of my zits were expertly extracted & are healing normally. I thought she was kidding when she walked in & said "Ready for the torture?" Halfway into the procedure she told me "You handle pain very well. Most clients are screaming by now." I was in pain, but I was too scared to move. If I did, I might mess things up.

She's also reputed as being strict & harsh, earning her the nickname of "mean Christine." I didn't think she was mean. She was polite, & didn't push me into getting other things done, unlike her pushy co-workers who just couldn't take no for an answer. They both mentioned doing microdermabrasion along with the facial. Apparently it evens out the skin tone, gets rid of tiny clogged up pores & leaves skin with a nice glow. It's more than double the price of a facial. I'd like to try it, but I'd have to save up for it.

Posted by Jubilee
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