Clothing, Rape, and Assault

Apr 06, 2011 15:54

My mother tells me still to this day that if I wear skirts I won’t be raped. You know what? I feel more vulnerable in skirts than I do pants. She doesn’t want me running around in pants and etc but she thinks I’m safer in skirts? No, to me I’m not.

I feel more comfortable and safer in pants than in any other clothing. So tell me, does that ( Read more... )

rape, opinion, rant, clothing, assault

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Comments 4

rosalui April 7 2011, 03:40:48 UTC


jslvr4vr April 7 2011, 04:05:57 UTC
Tumblr has this picture going around of a young women holding a sign. It pissed me of that a women wrote she was asking for it. Actually it angered a lot of people. I wrote it in response. Here is one of the reboots I did because I will keep reblogging this. (maybe I should put in the source of why I'm angry). I don't know how many times I have it on here but I do and I so want to do again. Which I will I think. Tomorrow or later. The girl says she agrees but then bitches about everything. Ugh, no respect for her even if it is her opinion. Oh, it's the first post under the picture by the way.

Thank you also for reading this. ♥


unpublicguy April 9 2011, 13:51:03 UTC
couldn't agree more. thanks for posting it. LOL.


jslvr4vr April 10 2011, 00:14:42 UTC
Your welcome.


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