Clothing, Rape, and Assault

Apr 06, 2011 15:54

My mother tells me still to this day that if I wear skirts I won’t be raped. You know what? I feel more vulnerable in skirts than I do pants. She doesn’t want me running around in pants and etc but she thinks I’m safer in skirts? No, to me I’m not.

I feel more comfortable and safer in pants than in any other clothing. So tell me, does that mean I am going to be raped? Be assaulted because I wear what I want and not what someone wants me to wear? Yeah, I can understand the concern on some of the clothing (especially young girls who dress as *excuse me, I don’t know what else to call them* sluts), that is not needed or wanted.

BUT it’s their choice, their parents choice, NOT ours on what they wear. If they want to wear clothing that is to tight, to slutty, LET THEM! Just don’t say it is an invitation to be raped. It isn’t, you are just making an excuse for something you already where going to do anyways.

It’s not the clothing that decides who is going to be raped or assaulted. IT’S THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES. Never say clothing is what made you decide to rape someone. It’s never that, it is your brain, your power, your lust, NOTHING ELSE.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

rape, opinion, rant, clothing, assault

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