Title: Flights of Fancy Author: Jules Summary: Spoiler for the scene that isn't. Inara at the training house. Rating: R Spoilers: Serenity movie Distribution: If you want it take it, just tell me. Disclaimer: Not mine, mores the pity.
He lives his life as if to spite the universe with his survival, to thumb his nose at the ruling powers. He wears his defeat on a chain around his neck to replace the cross he abandoned in the valley of death; he's made his pain and his loss into a comfort - familiar, bitter company to keep him warm.
I don't know how to do that quotey thing people do, but I just wanted to say that this is a perfect description of Mal. Love it.
Comments 2
I don't know how to do that quotey thing people do, but I just wanted to say that this is a perfect description of Mal. Love it.
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