Title: Flights of Fancy Author: Jules Summary: Spoiler for the scene that isn't. Inara at the training house. Rating: R Spoilers: Serenity movie Distribution: If you want it take it, just tell me. Disclaimer: Not mine, mores the pity.
Title: Author: Jules Summary: Itty bitty ficlet where John takes advantage. Innuendo abounds Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Set in season 2. Distribution: If you want it take it, just tell me. Disclaimer: Not mine, mores the pity.
Title: Waiting Author: Jules Summary: Our favourite Dominar thinks the past couple of days over. Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Post PK Wars. Distribution: If you want it take it, just tell me. Disclaimer: Not mine, mores the pity.
I have a very specific approach to all major events, be they birthdays, holidays or sporting events - it will be disappointing/crap/we will suffer crushing defeat. I think the root of this can yet again be blamed on my family, more specifically my father who is a West Ham fan and who, bless him, is never happier than when he can moan about how the
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