
Mar 24, 2012 12:16

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Genre: Gen/Humour
Characters: Rodney McKay, Radek Zelenka, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir
Notes: Written for stargateland's alphabet challenge. This is to fill the letter S: S is for Students. I'm actually considering expanding this once I have a little more time, but I'm in the throes of term papers and finals so for now, it's done. lol.

Story is this way! )

stargate atlantis, humour, fanfic, general

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Comments 10

vinegar_dog March 24 2012, 19:47:51 UTC
LOL Love your Rodney!


jrmstoughchick March 24 2012, 19:56:41 UTC
hahaha, thanks! :D


ginaa2 March 24 2012, 21:13:09 UTC
Very good and true to character. Poor Rodney!


jrmstoughchick March 24 2012, 21:29:32 UTC
:D Thanks! This was fun to write even if i was totally out of my element writing non-shippy fic lol


ginaa2 March 24 2012, 21:39:52 UTC
Yeah, I was like, "Where's the ship in this????"


jrmstoughchick March 24 2012, 21:44:03 UTC
ahahahahaha. See, every now and then I can be surprising!


leesa_perrie March 26 2012, 11:53:28 UTC
LOL!!!! Oh, poor Rodney *snickers loudly* :D :D


hajimebassaidai May 6 2013, 00:13:29 UTC
Poor Rodney! He's just so put upon, isn't he?


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