Mar 21, 2007 22:25
Well it now seems I can get on LJ at work, how awesome.
I moved out of the parent's house again in with my friend Alex and our house is the most Metal place in the world to I'm happy about that.
Otherwise, not much else is really going on...just living and trying to get by.
Oct 27, 2005 01:02
Please tell me something ANONYMOUSLY that you like about me.
Then post this in your journal, and other people will respond in kind.
I've enabled anonymous comments for this one and they will be screened, so you don't have to limit yourself.
Jul 14, 2005 12:48
I just recently did a friends cut, mostly second journals of people that are long unused and a few others.
Mostly I cut you if I don't keep regular contact with you, or if I just don't feel as if I comment enough to you etc.
If you were cut and really want to be added back again, I'll consider it.