As described here.
Call it a draw in Wisconsin. It's hard to claim victory when you lose two seats in your Senate to recall elections. But Democrats' goal was three seats, thereby seizing majority control of the Senate, and they came up one short. There is one swing Senator -- a Republican who voted against some of Scott Walker's legislation which caused the protests and eventual recalls. That could mean a touch-and-go situation in the Wisconsin Senate until the November, 2012 elections.
In New Hampshire the Democrat won big, 58-42. In the November election for the same seat Republicans won 58-42. Quite a turnaround.
Public Policy Polling again came out smelling like a rose. They polled five of the six special elections in Wisconsin and their predicted spreads were off from the actual spreads by 1,1,4,1 and 1, for an average of 1.6%. Which is pretty astounding given the highly variable nature of special elections; they have also done well in the two Congressional special elections this year. Believe it or not the Washington Post refuses to report the results of their polls because they use automated polling rather than live interviewers.