So, that happened...

Nov 17, 2009 17:19

Um, hey there! So, I quit this journal. Three years ago. Sort of unintentionally at the time, but RL happened. *hands* Anyway, I've recently gotten back into Supernatural fandom a little and, uh, I'm over at elizah_jane now.


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Comments 20

amothea November 18 2009, 03:20:16 UTC
Welcome back!

I just discovered your Smallville stories this weekend. :)


errant_jane November 18 2009, 23:23:43 UTC
Thank you!!

Ha! I'm not sure whether to be pleased by this or not. It's been...awhile since I've read my SV stuff. I'm a little afraid to at this point. *grins*


amothea November 19 2009, 03:25:27 UTC
I try very hard to not re-read my own fics. It never ends well! :)


tigress35 November 18 2009, 05:46:25 UTC
I always wondered what happened to you :)


errant_jane November 18 2009, 23:25:42 UTC
A combination of RL happening and me becoming mildly crazy and stressed out about fandom. Also, somewhere in there, I moved to Tennessee. Yeah.



halfshellvenus November 18 2009, 07:02:59 UTC
I'm glad you didn't delete this journal, because you wrote some of my favorite early SPN stories.

Nice to know you're still around, and I've friended your new journal.

Thanks for the update!


errant_jane November 18 2009, 23:27:30 UTC
Aw, thank you!! I'm actually still pretty pleased with my SPN fics, so it would've made me sad to delete them.



digitalwave November 18 2009, 08:23:15 UTC
It's good to see you, sweetie. Welcome back! :)


errant_jane November 18 2009, 23:28:38 UTC
Thank you!! It's good to see you too!!! Ah, fandom. I missed it.


bassgrrl November 18 2009, 18:35:31 UTC
Hi! Good to see you!


errant_jane November 18 2009, 23:31:59 UTC
Hey, you!!! Thanks!!


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