On Stranger Tides Countdown Discussion: Day 3

May 16, 2011 19:17

Pilfered from corrielle - counting down the days to Thursday (that's when I'll see On Stranger Tides - yes, I've already bought the ticket!).

Day 3. If you make fanworks, link to a piece of your work that you're especially proud of?

I like everything I wrote, though I do have some favourites. Picking one is difficult, but for today, I'll go with


Overall rating: PG-13
Category: slash, humour
Pairings: Norrington/Gillette, Jack Sparrow/Gillette,
Norrington/Groves, Jack Sparrow/Groves
Warnings: none

Summary: "Great minds think alike.

The Groves in that story is very different from the Groves I usually write, and so is Gillette. I had a lot of fun writing Jack, and I still think the story is funny.

Day 1. What were your first impressions?
Day 2. What's a cool/interesting/favorite piece of pirate/navy/PotC stuff you own?
Day 3. If you make fanworks, link to a piece of your work that you're especially proud of. If you don't make fanworks, link to a piece you're especially proud of finding. ;-)
Day 4. What are your hopes for the new film? What are you most looking forward to?
Day 5. If you could bring one character from the first three movies back for OST, who would you choose? How would you write him or her in?
Day 6. Tell about a favorite/funny/happy memory of your involvement in the PotC fandom.
Day 7. I'm assuming we'll all see the movie somewhere around here… Describe your initial reaction in 100 words or less.

Molly originally posted this entry at http://joyful-molly.dreamwidth.org/318914.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, using OpenID.

meme, potc 4

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