Feb 05, 2015 15:06
happy birthday old friend, DN.
ps. where is nevenpezdec?
Nov 28, 2011 23:31
can't seem to see through it all. i mmiss all of you. dearly.
Jun 02, 2011 16:25
'Tis godlike the power of film and music.
Mar 04, 2011 09:24
every now and then i smell the earth and that feeling of life comes back again.
Dec 13, 2010 15:48
What is permanent is the wave maker of my happiness. Temporary things too last, and forever make their mark, but like nothing, what is always until it isn't? Loss now is more sorrow than memorial gain; whatever relieves this deprivation creates it.
Sep 13, 2010 15:58
There isn't any point in living without love.