Title: The Secret Life of Daydreams - 은밀한 생활은의 공상에 잠긴다
Author: Jossie
Pairing: Micky Yoochun/FC/ Max Changmin
Length: Chaptered 02/ ?
Rating: PG 13 - R
Summary: A romance that once was and is no more. One that can only be hold for so long. One that breaks the soul and somehow it opens up to someone new to mend it.
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Comments 8
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thanks. keep on reading!
do you really like it? is it too much to be a fanfic?
i dont know anymore =(
i'm just too dense to actually understand some parts, unless i reread them. :))
nevertheless, i love this. :D
one of those fantasies us girls have about romance.
but when we open our eyes we know and we see that romance is nothing like we thought.
keep on readin!
You know, being a teenager and all, people might say life is full of rainbows and butterflies but, when you are inlove.. There so many things you actually need to understand, then you'd realize. LOVE IS NOT ALL FLUFF AND ROMANCE. :))
I can relate. ;) In some ways possibly. :]
love is so weird.
its silly how us girls take romance into a whole new level.
maybe ive never been in love but i think its silly when girls
give themselves ----body and soul---- to some guy that could care less about them. =((
oh well.
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