Title: The Secret Life of Daydreams - 은밀한 생활은의 공상에 잠긴다
Author: Jossie
Pairing: Micky Yoochun/FC/ Max Changmin
Length: Chaptered 02/ ?
Rating: PG 13 - R
Summary: A romance that once was and is no more. One that can only be hold for so long. One that breaks the soul and somehow it opens up to someone new to mend it.
Previous:PROLOGUE Previous:Chapter 1 2
I'm Sensitive by nature, but I have no wisdom.
I'm naturally rebellious, but I can't stand firm.
"Today I stood under the bus stop where we first met, do you remember? You were wearing this red dress soaked from head to toe. No, I didn't fall in love with you when I saw your teary eyes or the ruined make up in your face. I didn't feel dazzled when you stood next to me under the freezing rain. You didn't look pretty wet either. You were just there wearing red under the gloomy sky.
But then at that exact moment I heard you whimper. I looked at you all cold and trembling, I didn't have a coat on so I didn't offer to warm you up. How could I? I was cold myself."
You smile at this.
"Do you usually talk this "poetic" when you're out with a girl?"
"No," he whispers, "this isn't poetry. This is you in my life."
"Your life?"
Cold laugh.
"Do you see a future with me, Changmin, my friend?"
This man was nothing out of the ordinary for you.
"No. I see nothing with you."
Not quite ordinary, now.
Your face, strange as it may sound, was disappointed to be rejected this easily. You couldn't believe this man. This man with long legs and tanned complexion. This man that took two long months to find you just to see your face, or so he said. He was here sitting in front of you drinking foamy caffeine. He didn't want anything with you.
"Why are you here? What do you want from me? I have nothing to give you. Nothing."
You had nothing but a headache.
"I want you. Just you."
As if his last statement was the funniest thing a human has ever said, you laugh. Stupidly and miserably you laugh like there's no one in the cafe. Hysterically, your eyes wonder around to see blue, hazel, dark eyes staring at you from head to toe as if you've gone mad. Just maybe they might be right.
Dizzy with the after affects of your stupidity, you quiet down to surrender yourself to this man.
"I don't do that but thanks for the offer."
You get up slowly holding back the giggles.
"You're childish. You're a grown woman, you know?"
You grin at his cheeky response.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going home."
Turning back the breezy air freezes your hair. You were cold, really cold
He walks up to you, winks at you and stands his hand.
"Come, I'll take you home. I have a coat now. If it rains you don't have to be cold anymore."
This kindness and protection is new to you. For a moment Micky is not in your mind. Your mind is blank. You take his hand.
My fingers long to touch you.
They want only one thing from you and that is to feel you.
Would you not please them?
I can't stand here and disappoint them.
Oh, what a beautiful creature!
I will touch her the way I can't touch you. My lips will linger on her neck and smell the cheap perfume she wears for me, just to impress me. You would know better.
Easy girl, she is.
"Micky," her lips moan for me.
She was beautiful, seductive but she was no you.
"Do you want me baby?"
"Yes, dear, Micky, I do."
Kiss, kiss.
Bang, bang.
Her mouth is salty and bitter. I hate it.
Roughly I move in her.
"Uh, why can't we do it slow?"
"Because you're not her; you're a rainbow. I don't want you to leave marks in my body. I don't even like the way you smell. Your perfume, it disgusts me."
Her eyes, they tear my insides apart.
"Why are you so cruel? I've never slept with anyone other than you. Why can't you love me like you love her?"
"I don't love her."
"Why can't you touch me like you touch her?"
"I've never touched her."
"She doesn't want you anymore. She could care less about you, Yoochun, but me, I care. Leave her and be mine completely. Like me like you like her."
"I like you"
Smile. Attraction. Smirk.
She roams her fingers through my hair.
"Why is that?"
Smirk. Kiss, kiss, bang, bang.
"Because you're easy."
"This is my apartment." You didn't want your new friend to know. Not, now, not ever.
"I'll take you to your doorstep." Oh, you wish he did!
"No, you don't have to. I'm a big girl; I can walk a couple of footsteps without supervision." Idiot, that's what you were.
"Okay. Go alone if you want to." Changmin blurbs at you. He didn't like picky girls, but you weren't picky. You were a decent girl who lost her way. You were lost and this man found you.
You walk alone up the stairs. Your daydreams again blur your mind. You think of the "what ifs".
Maybe life could get better and maybe the time of your life could become more than what you expected. Your love was gone and your lover was no where to be seen, and you knew that somehow this is how you are both going to spend your lives. Not knowing.
And maybe, just maybe everything is your fault.
You look down the stairs to stare at his auburn eyes. He sees you with care and with compassion unknown to you. And you feel frightened because those eyes want you and you're petrified because you want him too.
"I don't want to be alone." Your voice is heard throughout the empty air across the room.
And you drift off to daydream once again. You dream of the possibilities of him loving you, of him caring. You dream of his lips lingering in your skin and his hands roaming your wounds.
You feel like crying because you know that these silly dreams are nothing but thin air. And you know that if you walk in your apartment you will find the reason for your sorrow.
His eyes never leave yours. He gives you his famous hidden smile.
And you forget to breathe.
"You don't have to be alone.
I'll be here right with you."
And that's all you need to hear to forget that reason.