Brian the Vampire

Apr 06, 2004 11:20

Thanks so much to whoever gave me more paid LJ time! I hope you are not disappointed that I have made Brian into a vampire. If it's any consolation, I really don't plan to do it again, and I do plan to write more Joke this weekend.

I can't believe that seperis managed to get me to write a vampire cutting porn snippet, but ( uh...she did. )

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Comments 38

rikkrp April 6 2004, 09:32:54 UTC
this is psychotic and weird and wonderful.

but I'm all for more "Joke".


josselin April 6 2004, 17:01:56 UTC
Thanks. I'll try to get more Joke out soon, I really will.


rikkrp April 6 2004, 19:03:53 UTC
I'll hold my breath.


josselin April 6 2004, 19:08:06 UTC
Er...I don't advise that. :D


seperis April 6 2004, 09:43:44 UTC
Love you.

Love *this*.

Brian stared at the cut, fascinated, then licked it tentatively, and Justin shivered, and was suddenly unimaginably hard, and he knew that touching the inside of his arm was going to make him hard now for the rest of his life.

See, Justin *always* knows how to get Brian's undivided attention. *g*


josselin April 6 2004, 17:02:52 UTC
See, Justin *always* knows how to get Brian's undivided attention.

Yes. And he didn't even have to take off his clothes, though now that I'm picturing naked!Justin in an alley I'm starting to think it has potential...


seperis April 6 2004, 20:22:28 UTC
*glazed eyes*

I want that story.

I *want to read that story*.



josselin April 6 2004, 20:38:03 UTC
I *want to read that story*.

Me too! Why don't you go write it? *big grin*


thing_of_wonder April 6 2004, 10:12:28 UTC
and missed the exact moment when Brian's teeth sunk in.


LOVED this snippet. TBC, perhaps?!?! ::bats eyelashes:


rikkrp April 6 2004, 10:30:31 UTC
she has a second part in mind... but you might not like where it goes... *big grin*


josselin April 6 2004, 11:06:10 UTC
Hey, glad you liked the snippet and thanks for commenting. I liked it too, which surprised me, because I had been all down on seperis for writing vampire fic, and then I realized I did like vampire fic after all.

Well, I already knew I liked vampires in other fandoms. I just didn't know it could transfer over.

As rikkrp said, I do kind of have a way I picture the rest of it, but I don't think I'll ever write it out because it's kind of depressing and is totally like a fic in a different fandom, Modus Vivendi, which is an absolutely beautifully haunting story. I picture the dynamic that would develop between Brian and Justin here as being similar to the dynamic that develops in that fic. I see the rest of the story like this ( ... )


beatperfume April 6 2004, 11:29:49 UTC
Brian could SO kill kittens in this fic.


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josselin April 6 2004, 17:15:35 UTC
i have to admit that all of this biting is kind of hot.

I agree. I actually find the cutting hot too, which probably says disturbing things about me. I keep trying to tell myself that it's not about the cutting so much as about picturing Brian wandering after some guy at Babylon and then suddenly raising his head to sniff the air, but I think it's the cutting.

The werewolf thing reminds me of some TS fic where Jim turned into a panther and I think I am still scarred from having read that.


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josselin April 6 2004, 17:19:59 UTC
pretty much whatever brian and justin do to each other (as long as it's in human or human-looking form) is hot.

Yeah. It's almost Pavlovian or something--we're trained to respond to them.


ranalore April 6 2004, 15:15:20 UTC
Oooh, pretty. I love how implacable Brian is, and how there's a part of Justin that's just pleased to have his attention, even if he's not actually listening. That part that would make it so easy for a vampire Brian to take him, bend him and break him and have him begging for more.

I might like that dynamic a tad too much. Of course, I also like the reciprocity, that Brian wants Justin, not just some warm body. In my romantic little black heart, both this snippet and Jenn's story end with Brian turning Justin, and the two of them hunting the night, unstoppable and gorgeous.

Of course, this got me thinking about vamp!Justin and mortal!Brian and how that would play out, how that would appeal to Brian's self-destructive urges and how it would suddenly be him fighting for Justin's attention. Pretty little dark god with his white skin shining under the lights of Babylon, with his huge, hypnotic eyes and his sinuous body and his beautiful smile full of sharp, sharp teeth.



josselin April 6 2004, 17:18:08 UTC
That part that would make it so easy for a vampire Brian to take him, bend him and break him and have him begging for more.

Yes, I think that's the dynamic that I like. I have to picture this during first season. Jenn manages to twist hers to be post 3, I think, but for me the dynamic I'm imagining only works back in S1.

Of course, this got me thinking about vamp!Justin and mortal!Brian and how that would play out, how that would appeal to Brian's self-destructive urges and how it would suddenly be him fighting for Justin's attention.

How would Brian fight for Justin's attention? I can't really picture Brian doing much more than a lot of artful posing, but damn, he would probably be pretty good at artful posing.


wrenlet April 10 2004, 10:35:56 UTC
He would be very, very good at artful posing. And mmmmmm... some of it depends on, just how badly does Brian want Justin? In Jenn's piece Justin reacted to Brian both as a lover and as a kind of drug, and we all know how Brian is went it comes to drugs and just sensation of any kind, so hmm. Plus, we've never seen Brian want someone who doesn't want him back and that's a challenge in itself... it couldn't be a simple dynamic-switch, where Justin acts like Brian and Brian acts like Justin, they're vastly different people.

But if Brian really, really wanted the attention of someone who wasn't inclined to give it to him, how would he go about that? What type of predator would Justin be? (Gender doesn't matter, we're both predators... *GAG*)

I guess what it comes down to, is how would Brian play prey?


josselin April 10 2004, 19:52:16 UTC
The only sort of predatory model Brian I can think of is when he goes after Brown Athletics in Chicago, with a "you want me you just don't know it yet" sort of all or none attitude. For the most part, I think Brian tries to avoid wanting things that he can't have because it sort of hurts his ego... *considers*


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