Oz, Prompt Set 1, Prompt 42, Bound

Sep 14, 2006 16:44

Title: Bound
Author: Rileysaplank (Andy)
Rating: PG
Character(s): Oz
Prompt Set: 1
Prompt: #42 Bound
Table: Here.
Word Count: 385
Authors note: First in a series of drabbles that I'm using the prompts in order to string them together into a longer story. Not sure how many there are going to be yet, depends on how inspiration takes me. Continues here.


I see the stack of e-mails waiting for me when I sign in, as is usually the case as it’s only when I get to a city with an internet café that I can get online. I smile as I read through them, online friends recounting their daily lives to me, an otherwise complete stranger apart from my occasional online journal updates. Yet we count each other as friends, and I know that I put things in my journal that I would never tell people I know out in the ‘real world’, yet these people I’ve never met read and encourage me in my lowest moments. At the times when I’m at my lowest and I think that I will never control the wolf, these strangers find the time to write a few words that help me through those nights. I don’t think they realise just how much they help me in those times.

Logging into my journal I recount any worthy tales of my travels since the last time I was near a computer, just two months worth this time rather than the nine months it had been beforehand and within minutes of updating I’m getting a reply. This one is a little out of the ordinary though.

Oz is that you? I hope it is or this isn’t going to make any sense. Things are getting bad back here, we need all the help we can get. We need you Oz, I need you.


I smile slightly as I try to take in the short message that appears before me. I know that if I go my control over the wolf will be tested more than it has since I truly left Sunnydale three years ago, yet if Willow has sought me out then things must be bad.

My mind made up I leave a quick note on my journal saying that I will be missing in action for the foreseeable future, and leave a reply for Willow telling her that it’ll take a few days to sort out travel plans but I’m on my way.

My search for completeness will wait as I am bound by the friendships I have waiting for me back in Sunnydale, but more bound by the knowledge of the nightmares that truly lurk underneath our beds.

character: daniel "oz" osbourne

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