Title: Anxious
Author: Rileysaplank (Andy)
Rating: PG
Character(s): Oz
Prompt Set: 1
Prompt: #86 Anxious
Here.Word Count: 291
Authors Note: Part 2 of a series of drabbles. Continues
here. Anxious
As I fly across the ocean towards America, and more specifically Sunnydale I wonder what could be so wrong there that Willow would ask for my help. A million questions enter my mind as the hours pass by, did Willow find my blog by accident? Did she discover it early on and been silently following me for the past three years? How long had she been waiting on me to log in again to ask for my help?
I’m anxious to see what state the Scooby gang is in that Willow felt she had to ask someone who hasn’t been fighting the good fight for years to re-join the cause as she would know that leaving a message like she did that I’d be more than likely to drop everything to join them.
I’d heard about the blackout in L.A and hoped that whatever was happening there hadn’t spread to Sunnydale, the international news tended to concentrate on the major US cities rather than towns like Sunnydale.
My anxiousness only increased as the flight went on, now not only worrying about why I was going back, but how I would fit back into the group dynamic. Three years is a long time and I truly don’t know if anyone other than Willow even wants me there. And Willow. Willow’s never been far from my mind. Even though I’ve gained many friends since my departure from Sunnydale it’s Willow’s face I see at night, her face I put to anyone I know online who showed the same warmth as Willow did.
These worries took up the flight time and, after landing, I found myself at Willow’s door. The anxiousness I felt on the plane was nothing compared to what I felt now.